Texas Community College Instructional Administrators, established 1969

Current Officers for 2021-2022

Dr. Donna McDainel (President)
Vice President of Instruction
Texarkana College
2500 N. Robinson Road
Texarkana, TX  75599

President-Elect (Currently Unfilled) 

Treasurer (Currently Unfilled)

Dr. Betsy Crane (Secretary)
Dean of Career, Health & Technical Professions
Victoria College
2200 E. Red River
Victoria, TX  77971

Dr. Helen Dvorak (Board member)
Director of Distance Education & Instructional Technology
Victoria College
2200 E. Red River
Victoria, TX  77971

Dr. Kerry Schindler (Board member)
Vice President of Instruction
Hill College
112 Lamar
Hillsboro, Texas 76645

​Dr. Dava Washburn (Board member)
Vice President of Instruction
Grayson College
6101 Grayson Drive
Denison, Texas 75020