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Applying for Continuing Education

The Center for Workplace Learning (CWL) is the place to go for all things continuing education! The enrollment process for offerings through the CWL is much simpler and direct because students are enrolling in non-credit community interest, workforce development, and other similar programs.  Visit the Center for Workplace Learning page for course information.

"Mirror" Courses

Those wanting to learn the skills of the course without earning college credit toward a certificate or degree may enroll in the “mirror” continuing education course through the CWL on the Main Campus. Students attend the same class os 'credit' students with the exact same class work and expectations, but are awarded a grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) upon completion. Not all courses within the program are eligible for "mirror' enrollment. CWL registration for continuing education is simplified and does not require in-depth documentation and transcripts. Those wishing to use the course toward a degree or certificate will begin registration in the Administrative Services Building of the Main Campus. 

Continuing Education Courses

These types of courses are design to provide specialized vocational training through short-term courses on a flexible schedule. Some examples of these are Machining, Pharmacy Technician, and Truck Driving.

Personal Enrichment and Recreational Classes

These courses vary widely in the topics and timing. Many courses start each month throughout the year, while others are offered less often. 

Registration for all CWL courses may be accomplished:

  • Online through the Center for Workplace Learning page

  • In person at the CWL Administration Office

  • By phone at 903.463.8765