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Board Appointment Procedures

Pursuant to BBC (LEGAL) - BOARD MEMBERS: VACANCIES AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, Grayson College Trustees will follow the procedures herein to appoint Trustees in the case of a vacancy. Delineation of such procedures is spelled out in BBC (LEGAL) as follows,

An appointment to the governing body of a local government shall be made as required by the law applicable to that local government and may be made with the intent to ensure that the governing body is representative of the constituency served by the governing body. A local government that chooses to implement this provision shall adopt procedures for the implementation. Local Gov't Code 180.005(b)–(c)

When a vacancy occurs, by resignation or other occurrence, the Board Chair (same as the Board President defined in code) shall appoint a Board Appointment Committee comprised of three members of the Board of Trustees. The Chair shall appoint a replacement in the event that committee member(s) are unable to serve for the duration of a specific appointment.

The Board Chair shall serve as Chair of the Board Appointment Committee.

The committee shall direct college staff to publicize the vacancy in the local media through news article or paid advertisement. Additionally, notice shall be placed on the college website in a prominent location.

The committee shall ask interested candidates to submit an application for consideration of appointment by the Board of Trustees. The application shall be available on the college website.

The committee shall receive candidates until a sufficient number of candidates is available for the committee to review.

The committee shall evaluate candidates to determine if they are qualified to hold the position pursuant to BBC (LEGAL), which states:

To be eligible to be appointed to a public elective office, a person must meet the qualifications set forth at Election Code 141.001(a) and Education Code 130.082(d). [See BBA] Election Code141.001(a); Education Code 130.082(d)

The committee shall interview candidates for consideration.

The committee shall develop recommendations of appointment of a Trustee to the vacant position and present that to the entire Board of Trustees at the earliest feasible opportunity, whether at a regular meeting or a called meeting of the Board of Trustees.

The person appointed to fill the unexpired term shall serve until the next regular election of members to the board, at which time the position shall be filled by election for a term appropriately shortened to conform with what regularly would have been the length of the term for that position. Tex. Const. Art. XVI, Sec. 27; Education Code 130.082(d)

The Board Appointment Committee is authorized to consider candidates who were part of an appointment process within the past 12 months (starting with the date of the appointment of the Trustee[s] in prior actions of the Board). In the event this occurs, it is at the discretion of the Board Appointment Committee to call for additional candidates.

Those interested in serving on the board of trustees are encouraged to apply by submitting an application.