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2025 Strategic Plan

The Grayson 2025 Strategic Plan has been developed, refined, and implemented through a collaborative process which began during the Spring 2013 semester with Pathways to 2020 X 2020.  This plan was reaffirmed as the college’s strategic plan in 2020 as we continue to strive toward accomplishing the mission of the college. 

Grayson College Strategic Plan 2025


Transform lives by connecting students to the college and career pathways

  1. College of Choice
  2. Affordable Training and Education
  3. Strong Early Connections
  4. Career Pathways Selection
  5. Strong Community Connections


Build community by inspiring students commitment and momentum toward timely achievement of pathway milestones

  1. Shaping a Powerful Learning Environment
  2. Challenging Students to be Engaged
  3. High Quality Service by Grayson Team
  4. Building Momentum to Pathway Completion
  5. Stewardship of Resources


Inspire pathway completion that launches successful career entry, career enhancement, or university transfer

  1. Pathway Completion
  2. Transfer after completion