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What is a QEP?

The Quality Enhancement Plan, or QEP, is a comprehensive, 5-year action plan that targets an issue identified by the institution as important to increasing student learning and/or success. It is an integral part of the reaccreditation process of any Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) member.

The Grayson College QEP is
Grayson Pathways to Success (GPS)

A new initiative to enhance the student advising experience through career and pathway exploration and proactive advising.
The SACSCOC on-site review is October 18 – 20, 2021


Career and Pathway Exploration

  • Dedicated Career Center staffed with a Career & Pathway Coach
  • Clear Expectations and Responsibilities of the Faculty Mentor
  • Technology - Early Alert System and Check-ins for more intrusive advising

Goals and Objectives

CONNECT: First Time in College (FTIC) students will connect to their career pathway.

  • Objective 1.1: 100% of FTIC students will attend the session for the Career Center and pathway exploration during mandatory orientation.
  • Objective 1.2: 100% of FTIC students will participate in their first designated career course before completion of 15 credit hours.

COMMIT: Students will commit to staying on their career pathway

  • Objective 2.1: Fall-to-spring retention of FTIC students will increase from 74% to 80% by Spring 2026.
  • Objective 2.2: Fall-to-fall retention of FTIC students will increase from 55% to 60% by Fall 2026.

COMPLETE: Students will successfully complete their career pathway

  • Objective 3.1: The graduation rate for the 2021 cohort will exceed the Grayson College IPEDS peer group, increasing by 10% (2015 cohort was 24%, peer group was 32%).
  • Objective 3.2: The first term course completion rate (A, B, C or D) of FTIC students will increase from 78% to 83%.
  • Objective 3.3: The first term successful course completion rate (A, B or C) of FTIC students will increase from 72% to 77%.

Why Pathways to Success?

According to the GC 2020 CCSSE survey results,

  • 62% of students have never used career counseling
  • 58% selected “not applicable” on satisfaction with career counseling
  • 75% of students say career counseling services is somewhat to very important.

Uninformed decisions about a course of study, results in changing majors, increased college expenses, and excess credits.


The elements of the QEP are aligned with the College Mission of Student Success. Research indicates that students who select their major following career and self-exploration find their academic choices to be more personally meaningful than those who are uninformed. As a result, they are more likely to persist within the major in which they entered and graduate within the expected timeframe. In addition, students who select a major congruent with their personality type and life goals are more likely to have a better GPA than their counterparts. Research also indicates that students who make informed choices related to their major are ultimately more satisfied and successful in their careers.