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Campus Carry FAQ

Regulation Statement

Grayson College is committed to providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and to respecting the right of individuals who are licensed to carry a handgun where permitted by law. The College is further committed to developing and implementing Concealed Campus Carry Regulations that meet and are in compliance with Texas Law to include Texas Government Code Section 411.2031 (Carrying of Handguns by License Holders on Certain Campus) and Texas Penal Code 46.035 (Unlawful Carrying of Handgun by License Holder).


The purpose of these regulations is to articulate the reasonable rules, regulations, and provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on the premises of Grayson College. These regulations apply to all faculty, staff, students, guests, visitors, and individuals and organizations conducting business or engaged in activities on any Grayson College property.

Provisions for the Concealed Carry of a Handgun

  • In compliance with rules and regulations set forth by Grayson College individuals holding a valid Texas Concealed Handgun License (CHL), or License to Carry (LTC), will be allowed to carry their concealed handgun on the premises of the Grayson College to include classrooms, library facilities, and offices.

  • Those individuals who hold a valid handgun license from an approved reciprocating state will be allowed to carry their concealed handgun on the premises of the Grayson College.

  • A license holder may legally carry a concealed handgun while on Grayson College premises, to include buildings, public driveways, streets, sidewalks or walkways, parking lots, parking garages, and any other parking areas, unless prohibited by state or federal law, or by these regulations.

  • A Grayson College employee who holds a valid Concealed Handgun License or License to Carry may legally carry a concealed handgun into his or her work area, unless prohibited under these regulations. That individual is not authorized to use the weapon in the course and scope of performing his or her duties.

  • In compliance with Texas Labor Code Sections 52.061 and 52.062 (Restriction on Prohibiting Employee Access to or Storage of Firearm or Ammunition), a Grayson College employee who holds a valid Concealed Handgun License or License to Carry may not legally carry or store a handgun in a vehicle owned or leased by Grayson College unless that employee is required to do so in the official discharge of their duties.

  • Licensed peace officers may carry authorized weapons on the premises of the Grayson College.

  • These regulations permit the lawful possession of simulated firearms for use by participants in any Grayson College sponsored theatrical performance (e.g., stage props), with the approval of the Grayson College Police Department.

Exclusions to the Concealed Carry of a Handgun

In accordance with Texas Government Code Section 411.2031 (Carrying of Handguns by License Holders on Certain Campuses) and after consulting with students, staff, and faculty of Grayson College regarding the nature of the student population, specific safety considerations, and the uniqueness of the campus environment, the following areas have been identified and designated as prohibited areas to the legal carrying of a concealed handgun (Prohibited Zone). The listed areas below are for all campuses throughout the Grayson College unless otherwise specified.

  • Where a high school, collegiate, intramural, or professional sporting event or interscholastic event is taking place
  • Where any properly posted open meeting, subject to the Open Meetings Act, is taking place so long as notice is provided in accordance with law
  • Where any UIL sanctioned competition is being held
  • Where any formal disciplinary hearing is being held
  • Where any other official governmental meeting or judicial proceeding is being conducted
  • Where polling is being conducted for local, state, or federal elections
  • Any college event on campus where alcohol is being served by an organization subject to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission rules and regulations
  • Performance venues and locations during ticketed events if a temporary designation is obtained in accordance to this policy
  • Temporary exclusionary zones may be established by the College President. Requests for a temporary exclusion must be reasonably justified and the requestor must provide evidence that a concealed handgun creates some special danger. Requests for exclusion must be provided in writing to the Office of the President at least 90 days prior to the date of the event
  • Locations primarily utilized as a nonpublic, secure portion of the Grayson College Police Department per Texas Government Code 411.207 (Authority of Peace Officer to Disarm)

Restrictions to the Concealed Carry of a Handgun

  • Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 411.2031 a license holder may legally carry a concealed handgun in areas not identified as Prohibited Zones. This does not apply to prohibited weapons as it remains unlawful to be in possession of these items on any Grayson College property.
  • Grayson College will not provide any type of storage facilities for handguns of license holders.
  • The responsibility of maintaining control and ensuring safekeeping of a concealed handgun lies with the license holder.
  • The responsibility of being aware of Prohibited Zones and Temporary Prohibited Zones lies with the license holder.



In compliance with Texas Penal Code 30.06 (Trespass by License Holder with a Concealed Handgun) any area designated as a Prohibited Zone by Grayson College, will have clearly visible signs posted with the following statement:

"Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun."

  • Verbiage will be in both English and Spanish.
  • Lettering will appear in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height.
  • All posted signs will be displayed in a conspicuous manner, clearly visible to the public.


Any area designated as a Temporary Prohibited Zone will have portable signage in compliance with Texas Penal Code 30.06. This signage will be displayed prior to and during the event, as necessary, and will be removed at the conclusion of the event.

It is in violation of these regulations for any person to tamper with, modify, or remove a notice provided under these regulations.


Grayson College will provide a description of agreed upon rules, regulations, and/or other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns on the premises of Grayson College, along with reasons for the establishment of those provisions, to the Texas Legislature. Subsequently, a report detailing the same, along with any revisions and justification for such, will be submitted no later than September 1st of each even-numbered year to the Texas Legislature and to the appropriate committees.


Recommend a second FAQ page

Suggested FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions on Concealed Carry

Following the Texas Legislative enactment of Senate Bill 11 concerning the amendment of Government Code Chapter 411, Subchapter H, Section 411.2031 CARRYING OF HANDGUNS BY LICENSE HOLDERS ON CERTAIN CAMPUSES, the following question and answer page has been prepared to provide further clarification for students, faculty and staff.


What is the law concerning carrying a handgun on a college campus in Texas?

As enacted by the 84th Legislative Session, a concealed handgun license holder may carry a concealed handgun on or about their person while on the campus of an institution of higher education [Texas Government Code 411.2031(a)(1)]. All laws enacted by the 84th Legislative Session can be reviewed in their entirety.


What must a person do to obtain a License to Carry LTC (formerly referred to as a Concealed Carry License CHL)?

The Texas Department of Public Safety administers the License to Carry LTC (Formerly Concealed Handgun Licensing CHL) Program for the State of Texas. All laws, regulations, licensing and registration requirements, and the application process can be found on the Texas Department for Public Safety site.


What would preclude someone from getting a handgun license?

All laws, regulations, licensing and registration requirements can be found at the Texas Department for Public Safety site.


What will happen if a minor gains access to my handgun?

Under Texas Penal Code §46.13, it is a violation of criminal law if a child gains access to a readily dischargeable firearm and the person with criminal negligence failed to secure the firearm; or left the firearm in a place to which the person knew or should have known the child would gain access.


Does Grayson College offer a License to Carry course?

Yes, The Grayson College Center for Workplace Learning offers a License to Carry Course several times throughout the year. More information can be obtained by going to


Will Grayson College track handgun license holders on campus?



Will Grayson College provide storage facilities for License to Carry holders to store their handguns?

There are no approved handgun storage facilities, lockers, lockboxes, or gun safes for License to Carry holders on Grayson College property.


What weapons are covered under the License to Carry?

A License to Carry allows an LTC holder to carry a handgun, which is defined as any firearm that is designed, made, or adapted to be fired with one hand [Texas Penal Code Chapter 46.01(5)].

A concealed handgun means a handgun, the presence of which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person [Texas Government Code 411.171(3)].


Who has the authority to ask a member of the faculty, a student, or a staff member if they have the appropriate License to Carry? Can faculty members ask students who are License to Carry holders to report that status to them?

Anyone is permitted to ask, but the individual asked is not required to reply unless asked by a police officer. Students are not required to provide this information to any faculty member. Any voluntary reporting of License to Carry status should be done privately. Faculty should not, under any circumstances, coerce students into complying with their request for status or pressure them to answer questions regarding concealed handgun licensing.


What is Grayson College doing to prepare for campus concealed carry?

In compliance with the Texas Legislature, Grayson College formed a Campus Carry Committee whose initial charge was to review safety considerations and the unique environment of our campuses and propose reasonable rules, regulations, and provisions regarding the concealed carry of handguns. The Campus Carry Committee reviewed recommendations, established proposed gun free zones, and continues to provide educational opportunities in the form of Q & A and informational sessions regarding updates to Campus Carry.


Who can carry or possess a concealed handgun on campus under the Campus Carry Law (after 8/1/2017)?

Beginning August 1, 2017 public community colleges must allow concealed carry of handguns in buildings by License to Carry holders. Institutions will be allowed to designate certain areas on campus where carrying of concealed handguns by license holders is prohibited.


Where on campus can a concealed handgun be carried under the Campus Carry Law (after 8/1/2017)?

License to Carry holders will be allowed to carry a concealed handgun on the property of Grayson College in all areas not designated as Prohibited Zones, or Temporary Prohibited Zones. Prohibited Zones and Temporary Prohibited Zones are areas that have been designated as restricted areas to the lawful carrying of a concealed handgun and are listed in detail.


Does a handgun have to be concealed when it is being carried on campus?

Yes. A License to Carry (LTC) or Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holder must ensure that their handgun is concealed.


What responsibility does a License to Carry (LTC) holder have to keep his or her weapon concealed? It is a violation if someone gets a glimpse of his or her weapon?

A person with a License to Carry must take reasonable measures to conceal their weapon. A violation, or offense, is only committed by a license holder if they intentionally display a handgun in plain view of another person in a public place [Texas Penal Code Chapter 46.035(a)].


What is "open carry"?  Will it be allowed at Grayson College?

On June 13, 2015, Governor Abbott signed into law House Bill 910. This law permits handgun license holders to openly carry (no duty to conceal) a handgun in areas where it is not prohibited by law. This law became effective on January 1, 2016.

No. HB 910 notes that a handgun license holder cannot carry a partially or wholly visible handgun and intentionally or knowingly display the handgun in plain view of another person on the premises of an institution of higher education.


Can a student who legally possesses a concealed handgun be excluded from the classroom on the grounds that the student's presence and his or her concealed weapon constitutes a class disruption?

No. The mere act of carrying a handgun (with a License to Carry as authorized by law) is not in and of itself a disruption of class activity. License to Carry holders should not be excluded from class under any supposition that their presence alone is a disruption. Another person's adverse reaction to someone carrying a handgun in accordance with the License to Carry policies is not grounds to eject the license holder from the classroom.


Can faculty members ask students who are License to Carry holders to report that status to them?

Anyone is permitted to ask; however, students are not required to provide this information to any faculty member. Any voluntary reporting of License to Carry status should be done privately. Faculty should not, under any circumstances, coerce students into complying with their requests for status or pressure them to answer questions regarding concealed handgun licensing.


Can faculty, students, staff, or student employees bring a concealed weapon to any office, building, campus, or off-site facility?

The campus community has been afforded the opportunity by the Texas Legislature, after consulting with students, staff and faculty, to establish reasonable rules, regulations, and other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns on their campus. The campus community cannot make any rules or regulations that generally prohibit license holders from carrying concealed handguns on their campus. They can identify areas where, for safety reasons, it would not be prudent to allow the presence of concealed handguns. All rules, regulations, or other provisions related to the carrying of a concealed handgun will be widely distributed and readily accessible.


Can a supervisor request a list of employees who have obtained their License to Carry? Can a faculty member request a list of students who have obtained their License to Carry?

No. This information is not a matter of public record.


Under what circumstances can a supervisor tell employees they cannot bring a concealed weapon into the office?

There are no circumstances in which issuing this kind of directive would be permitted. Supervisors cannot require or otherwise coerce their employee(s) through the workplace relationship to comply with a request of that nature.


If I see a faculty member, instructor, or any other Grayson College personnel carrying a weapon on campus should I call the police? 

Yes. The safest course of action is to call the Grayson College Police Department at (903)463-8777 or 8777 from any College phone line. An officer will respond to the location to determine if the person has a License to Carry and to ensure that they are carrying their handgun in an appropriate manner.


If I see anyone carrying a weapon on campus should I call the police?

Yes. The safest course of action is to call the Grayson College Police Department at (903)463-8777 or 8777 from any College phone line. An officer will respond to the location to determine if the person has a License to Carry and to ensure that they are carrying their handgun in an appropriate manner.


If I have additional questions, who do I contact?

You will need to contact the campus police department by email at