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Admission and Registrar FAQs

How can I get information about Grayson College?

Prospective Students wishing to request information can submit a new student inquiry.

How can I get admitted to the college?

View Steps to Admissions.

Grayson College Application.

I have applied to the college, what do I need to do to get enrolled? 

Once you have applied to the college, follow the admissions steps on this page. All required documents can be uploaded by accessing your Admissions Portal. If this is your first time logging in, check your email listed on your application for instructions on accessing your Admissions Portal. In this email you will find your user name and a link to set up your password. 

How can I get an enrollment verification?

Enrollment Verifications can be made via National Student Clearinghouse verification services. Students can also request the verification through the Grayson College Registrar's Office website.

How can I get an official copy of my transcript?

Transcript Requests should be made via the national student clearinghouse. More information on requesting transcript may be found here.

How can I withdraw from all of my courses?

For a full withdrawal from school, students should contact their Success Coach. Courses will not be dropped without your Success Coach's review and the appropriate approvals.

I only want to drop one of my courses, how can I do that?

For a drop from one course, students should contact their instructor.