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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025


Purchasing Services’ responsibility for Grayson College expenditures are governed by the Grayson College Procurement Rules. While each purchase is initiated by a requisition in the financial system, the course it follows will vary depending upon the anticipated cost, complexity, or legalities of the buy.

Early involvement of Purchasing is highly recommended to better guide you through the process.

Purchasing Forms

Purchasing Levels

This chart provides information on the dollar amounts for each purchase and the recommended payment method for each. Purchasing levels are distinct from approval levels, which are set through ReQlogic software and automatically routed to the appropriate party.

Amount of Purchase Payment Method Expectations Additional Information/Requirements
Any Amount is encouraged to use Interlocal Agreements/ Cooperatives Purchase order (preferred), Credit Card (See CC Expectations for $0.01-$9,999)

Price must be reasonable.

Agreements/contracts must be valid and match the requested items.

Requisition and quotes must show cooperative contract information.

Back-up documentation required in the requisition.
$0.01 - $9,999 Purchase order (preferred),
Credit Card (See Expectations)

Price must be reasonable.

Credit card purchases outside an approved requisition must be approved in writing by the Business Office PRIOR to the purchase.

Back-up documentation required in the requisition.
$10,000-$49,999 Purchase order only Price must be reasonable. Requires three quotes submitted with the requisition.
$50,000 and above Competitive Process required. (RFP/RFQ or cooperative) RFP/RFQ must go through Purchasing Department. Once a vendor has been awarded, requisition is entered and normal purchase order process occurs.


  • Contracts are required for any services. Contracts can only be signed by the President or Vice President of Business Services.
  • Grants must follow allowed College purchasing requirement unless grant is more restrictive.

The approver(s) are expected to review any purchasing documents in ReQlogic for accuracy as well as review the attached supporting documentation. If three quotes cannot be obtained when applicable, then documentation as to why three quotes were unattainable must be noted. Once a requisition has routed through the approval process, requisition will become a purchase order.

Issuance of a Purchase Order or Contract

  1. Grayson College financial policy requires that an approved commitment document, either a purchase order or contract, be issued for all purchases of goods and services prior to committing College funds.
  2. If a competitive solicitation is required (see solicitation process above), the Purchasing Agent conducts the solicitation and, together with the ordering department, determines the basis for the award. Once an award is made, the Department issues the PO (or contract).
  3. Unauthorized purchase. An unauthorized purchase occurs when financial obligations are incurred on the College’s behalf without prior approval by use of an approved purchase order or contract. Failure to obtain an approved PO or contract, where one is required, may result in personal liability.
  4. If grant dollars are being used, please refer to the grant and/or grant administrator to ensure the correct dollar threshold and quotes are obtained.

Insurance for On-Site vendors

At Grayson College, we prioritize the safety and security of our institution, employees, visitors, and vendors. To uphold these standards, it is essential for all on-site vendors to provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI). This document is a critical component in our risk management strategy and reflects our commitment to maintaining a secure environment.

Why Are Certificates of Insurance Important?

  1. Risk Management: A COI provides evidence that a vendor has adequate insurance coverage to handle potential liabilities. This is crucial in protecting our institution from financial losses resulting from accidents, injuries, or damages that may occur during the vendor's operations on our premises.
  2. Legal Compliance: Many institutions, including ours, have policies or legal requirements mandating that vendors and contractors provide proof of insurance. Ensuring compliance helps us avoid legal repercussions and maintain adherence to institutional protocols.
  3. Financial Protection: In the event of an incident, a COI ensures that the vendor’s insurance policy will cover the costs associated with any claims. This includes medical expenses, property damage, and legal fees, thereby safeguarding our financial resources.
  4. Professionalism and Accountability: Requesting a COI demonstrates that we uphold high standards for the companies we engage with, ensuring the public that we are using funds responsibly and appropriately. It also reinforces the accountability of the vendor for their actions while on our premises.
  5. Reputation Management: Incidents involving uninsured vendors can lead to negative publicity and harm our institution's reputation. A COI helps mitigate this risk by ensuring that any incidents are managed appropriately and swiftly.

Our Commitment

By obtaining a COI from companies visiting our campus, we are taking a proactive step in safeguarding our institution, our employees, and our visitors. It is a standard practice that aligns with our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment.

Vendor Insurance Requirements

All vendors must provide a Certificate of Insurance before commencing any on-site activities. The certificate must meet the following insurance requirements:

  • Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 aggregate, $500,000 per accident.
  • Automobile Liability: $500,000 bodily injury, $500,000 property damage.
  • Workers' Compensation Coverage: Statutory with no pre-set limits. Employer’s Liability limit is $500,000. Workers' Compensation is required for any vendor with more than two persons. A Waiver of Subrogation in favor of Grayson College must be included in the Workers’ Compensation policy. Grayson College must be a certificate holder.

Additionally, the Vendor must name Grayson College as an additional insured on the insurance certificate before performing any services on our campus. Should any of the policies be canceled before the expiration date, the Vendor must ensure that the issuing company provides Grayson College with thirty (30) days' written notice.

The Vendor is also required to waive all rights of subrogation against Grayson College, its officials, employees, and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the Vendor. Furthermore, the Vendor must hold Grayson College harmless and indemnify it against all liability, including attorney’s fees, which may arise directly from the performance of the work or any obligation of the Vendor, or failure of the Vendor to perform any work or obligation provided for in this agreement.

Contact Information

Certificates of insurance should be submitted to purchasing [at] grayson [dot] edu prior to the start of any work.