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Incident Reporting

The following reports may be filed by accessing the forms/links found on this page. Before filing a report, please take a few moments to review the required information in order to provide accurate and pertinent information.

  • Behavioral Intervention Reports
  • Conduct Reports
  • Accident Reporting (Slips, Trips and Falls)  

Behavioral Intervention Reporting

Behavioral Intervention Team

The mission of the Grayson College Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is to promote student, faculty and staff success and campus safety by identifying individuals who demonstrate behaviors that may be early warning signs of possible disruptive or violent behavior and intervene at the earliest possible point.

The focus is care and concern for students, faculty members or staff members who may be in distress. Team members coordinate resources and implement a coordinated response with the goal of providing assistance to the individual while mitigating risk in an effort to keep the GC community healthy and safe.

When to Make a Report

Is someone you know...

  • experiencing a decline in work or academic performance?
  • demonstrating disruptive or disturbing behavior?
  • showing dramatic changes in appearance, behavior or weight?
  • having problems at home, with classes or work?
  • making disturbing comments in conversation, email, letters, social media postings or papers?
  • sad, anxious or experiencing dramatic mood shifts?
  • abusing alcohol or drugs?
  • isolating themselves socially?
  • acting paranoid or suspicious?
  • frequently angry or easily frustrated?
  • struggling with health problems?

These behaviors, especially when more than one are present, may be signs that a student, faculty member or staff member is in distress.

Your confidential report to GC’s Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) can make a difference.

How to Make a Report

To complete the online BIT Referral form:  

Click on Services > Campus Safety > Select the appropriate service

Click here to access the BIT referral form

Telephone: 903-463-8777

This number is answered 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. If a full-time staff person is not available to answer the phone, callers may leave a message and the message will be forwarded directly to the Behavior Intervention Team.


What does BIT need to know?

Providing as much information as possible is essential!

  • Student, faculty or staff member’s name and ID number (if known). 
  • Brief factual description of the incident or behavior.
  • Direct quotes whenever possible.
  • Where and when the incident or behavior occurred.
  • Names and contact information of witnesses.
  • Your name, position and complete contact information.
  • Include all emails or other information you have.
  • Always save voice recordings, text messages and emails on the device that received them.

Conduct Reporting

To report incidents not involving concerning or threatening behavior, please click below. These types of reports may include observed violations of the Grayson College Student Code of Conduct or a minor violation of Texas Law. Serious or life-threatening violations or actions should be reported immediately by calling 911.

Click here to access the Conduct Reporting form

When completing the incident report, please select Conduct violation from the services menu. In order to investigate and resolve incidents that are referred to the Conduct Process it is extremely important that all relevant information is reported.

Campus Safety Injury Report

To report a minor accident which occurred on college property, navigate to the ticketing system and select Injury Report from the Services > Campus Safety. If there is serious injury requiring IMMEDIATE medical attention, call 911 and then notify College Police by calling 903-463-8777. Once medical assistance has been provided an accident report should be completed by either the person who was injured or an immediate witness to the event. This report should not be used to report a motor vehicle accident that occurred on college property. Those accidents must reported directly to the College Police by calling the number listed above.

Directions for completing an injury report:

  • Select Injury Report and select the appropriate option (Employee or Non-Employee), then select "Start Ticket"
  • Enter information for the reporting person (whoever is filling out the report, not necessarily the injured person). The more detailed information, the better in case there is a need for follow up
  • Enter information for involved persons. This can be witnesses, victim information if the report is filled out by someone else
  • Enter information regarding the incident. This should include time, date, location and a detailed description of the incident
  • You can also include digital media such as pictures of the scene by uploading them. For assistance with this, please contact the College Police
  • You will be given the opportunity to review the submission prior to completion. Check for accuracy and details
  • Submit the report

Someone from the College Police Department may contact you for further information if needed to complete an investigation. The data collected from these reports will be used in Risk Management to evaluate safety concerns on campus.

The following forms should be used by Campus Security Authorities in reporting required incidents to the College Police. Forms should be completed and immediately forwarded to the College Police Department. For questions or concerns in completing these forms, please contact the College Police Department. You may also access the power point presentation for Campus Security Authorities below.

Grayson College CSA Reporting Form

Grayson College CSA Sex Offense Reporting Form

Grayson College CSA Power Point Presentation