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Become Involved, Become Successful

Student Organizations and Clubs are a great way for students to develop social, educational, and leadership skills. Involvement in recognized student organizations at Grayson College allow students the opportunity to network, represent the college, and become engaged in service activities both on-campus and in the community.

The purpose of some organizations and clubs varies from honor societies to political, religious, service, and social groups. Currently enrolled students may also form student organizations and clubs by following the procedures outlined in the Student Organizations and Clubs Policies and Procedures Manual. A copy of this manual may be obtained from the Director of Student Life. New or reforming organizations and clubs may not meet or hold an event until recognition from the Director of Student Life is complete. All Recognized Organizations and Clubs must re-register in the fall semester of each academic year (September).

Interested in starting an organization or club on campus?

Contact Student Life at 903 463-8693 or the faculty/staff adviser for detailed information on how you can get involved! All organizations and clubs are actively recruiting new members.

Student Organization Policies and Procedures 2024-2025 (PDF)

Student Organizations

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    Anime Club

    The purpose of Anime Club is to provide an environment where students may enjoy watching anime with others; discuss the concepts and origins of anime, manga and related topics in Japanese culture and make friends with similar interests.


    • Dr. Joshua Jones
      jonesjo[at] grayson [dot] edu
      LA 201C

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    Baptist Student Ministry (BSM)

    The BSM exists to help students grow in faith, thrive in purpose and find community.


    • Austin Lambert
      bsmgrayson[at] gmail [dot] com
      BSM (Between PD and Gym)

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    Black Print

    Black Print fosters student growth and development through diversity, academics and community service and outreach. By providing an opportunity for all students to celebrate black culture, lifestyle and history, members enrich the lives of students, faculty, staff and the community at large.


    • Camille Phelps-Wilson
      phelpsc[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SSC, First Floor

    • Kendrick Gibson
      gibsonk[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SSC, First Floor

    • Valerie Ray
      rayv[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SSC, 2nd Floor

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    Criminal Justice Club (LAE)

    The purpose of this student organization shall be to encourage and foster organized education, training, networking and service learning to its members. This purpose is designed to allow criminal justice, criminology, law enforcement and law-interested students a chance to meet and interact with one another and professionals from the criminal justice field to gain real-world perspective and move them towards their goals. The overarching objective shall be to develop students, promote the Criminal Justice program and embody the Viking Values.


    • Dr. Maggie Bruce
      brucemag[at] garyson [dot] edu
      CJ 101

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    Eta Sigma Delta (ESD)

    Eta Sigma Delta is an honor society for students in the culinary and hospitality fields. The organization recognizes academic excellence, leadership, and commitment to the culinary arts. Eta Sigma Delta provides opportunities for professional development, networking, and community engagement, encouraging members to excel both academically and in their future careers. Membership in this organization is limited to students admitted into the program.


    • Rusty Weatherly
      weatherlyr[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Culinary Arts Building

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    Gamer's Guild

    The goal of the Gamers Guild is to foster a community of gamers with an appreciation and understanding for tabletop games. As a community of gamers, we endeavor to create an inclusive and open environment which allows members to play and run tabletop games while being accepted for who they are.


    • Ashley Oakfield
      oakfielda[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Jones Hall - Housing Office

    • Johnathan Suebuhr
      siebuhrj[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SAB - Financial Aid Office

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    Grayson College Rotaract

    Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service.


    • Edwin Clark
      clarke[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SAB - Career Center

    • Dr. Ilene Walton
      waltoni[at] grayson [dot] edu
      South Campus

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    Grayson Honors College

    GC is a member of the National Collegiate Honors Council. GC's honors program has been enhanced to allow more students to take more classes for honors credit. Honors classes challenge students to aim for the highest academic achievements by setting exemplary standards for themselves.


    • Sarah Garrett
      garretts[at] grayson [dot] edu
      AC 108A

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    Grayson Nursing Students Association (GNSA)

    GNSA is dedicated to enhancing nursing education and fostering professional development. The organization aims to contribute to the highest quality healthcare by promoting educational excellence, offering programs that reflect current nursing practices and concerns and supporting the holistic development of nursing students. Through active participation, members are encouraged to take responsibility for healthcare in diverse communities and to embrace their professional roles as future nurses. Membership in this organization is limited to students admitted into the program.


    • Dinah Peters
      petersd[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 124

    • Patti Graham
      grahamp[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 114

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    Jewish Student Association (JSA)

    The Grayson College Jewish Student Association promotes education and awareness of Jewish culture, heritage and history. The primary goal of the JSA is to provide a Jewish home away from home for Jewish students and their friends, no matter what level of observance.


    • Dr. Margo Carr
      carrm[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SSC 200A

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    MLT Diagnostic Detectives (Medical Laboratory Technology)

    The purpose of MLT Diagnostic Detectives is to enhance members' quest for knowledge through participation in professional organization activities, promote an interest in and gain knowledge of regulatory agencies and to deepen understanding of the chosen medical science occupation through fellowship with peers. Membership in this organization is limited to students admitted into the program.


    • Aimee Flynn
      flynna[at] grayson [dot] edu
      South Campus

    • Shelley Waller
      wallers[at] grayson [dot] edu
      South Campus

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    Nurses Christian Fellowship

    NCF provides a safe space to explore how faith intersects with nursing. This community of nursing faculty and students encourages growth as whole persons, not just academically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. The mission of NCF is for nursing students and faculty to be encouraged to grow in faith, equipped to integrate faith with nursing and empowered to share their faith.


    • Pam Ratliffe-Warner
      warnerp[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 112

    • Lorinda Wall
      wall[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS Lab

  • Phi Theta Kappa Logo
    Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

    Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges. Offering opportunities for scholarship, leadership and service, the Society also promotes the exchange of ideas and personal enrichment through fellowship with other scholars. Eligibility requirements in the Omicron Psi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa include current enrollment and a minimum GPA of 3.25. For those enrolled in a degree program, students must also have earned 12 credit hours at GC before being eligible to join Phi Theta Kappa. Those students enrolled in a certificate program must have earned 6 credit hours at GC to be invited to join Phi Theta Kappa.


    • Mary Linder
      linderm[at] grayson [dot] edu
      LA 106A

    • Shantee Siebuhr
      siebuhrs[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Life Center, 2nd Floor

    • Dr. Molly Harris
      harrism[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SSC, 1st Floor

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    Psychology Club

    Psychology Club provides an entertaining and inspirational atmosphere in which all students can further their knowledge and interest in psychology. The Club members attend scheduled events, participate in stimulating discussions and presentations and promote psychology as a social science.


    • Dr. Rachel Sumrall
      sumrallr[at] grayson [dot] edu
      LA 107

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    Radiation Nation

    Radiation Nation develops community awareness of the Radiologic Technology Program and increases camaraderie and generosity towards others. The organization will promote leadership skills and assist in the education and development of the students' knowledge of the radiologic science profession. Membership in this organization is limited to students admitted into the program.


    • Shelby Rankin
      rankins[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 118A

    • Morgan Smith
      smithmo[at] grayson [dot] edu

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    Sigma Kappa Delta and Writers Unlimited

    Sigma Kappa Delta is an honor society that promotes educational, literary and charitable endeavors. The organization recognizes outstanding achievement in English and literature at two-year colleges, encourages cultural and literary engagement on campus and in surrounding communities, fosters both creative and critical writing and builds a strong sense of community among its members. Sigma Kappa Delta upholds high standards of academic excellence in all its activities.


    • Dr. Joshua Jones
      jonesjo[at] grayson [dot] edu
      LA 201C

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    Student Government Association (SGA)

    SGA represents the student body by advocating for student interests and promoting leadership opportunities. SGA works to enhance campus life through collaboration with administration, organizing events and addressing student concerns. It serves as the voice of the students, fostering communication, involvement and positive change within the college community.


    • Shantee Siebuhr
      siebuhrs[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Life Center, 2nd Floor

    • Haleigh Solano
      solanoh[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SSC, First Floor

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    Student Veterans Association (SVA)

    The SVA supports and advocates for veterans and their dependents in pursuing higher education. SVA offers resources, community and guidance tailored to the unique needs of veteran students and their families, ensuring a smooth transition into academic life while promoting their personal and professional growth.


    • Amanda Boyle
      boylea[at] grayson [dot] edu

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    Sweet Tooths Society

    The purpose of this organization shall be to help students become more confident in their chosen profession and to encourage and foster integrity, leadership, camaraderie and professional attitude maintaining high ethical standards. The objective of this club is to promote being a dental assistant professional, the dental assistant program at Grayson College, growth in our knowledge and leadership opportunities


    • Tonya Hance
      hancet[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 132A

    • Wendy Renfro
      renfrow[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 117

  • Grayson College Culinary Arts Kitchen
    Top Innovative Professionals of Service and Spirits (TIPSS)

    TIPSS acknowledges, educates and promotes the development of culinary arts and hospitality management programs as well as participates in food shows, local charity events and fundraising for both students and our community. Membership in this organization is limited to students admitted into the program.


    • Joanna Bryant
      bryantj[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Culinary Arts Building

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    True Crime and Crafts (TCC)

    TCC combines a passion for true crime with creativity. Members gather to discuss famous cases, unsolved mysteries and crime-related media while engaging in fun, relaxing craft projects. It’s a perfect space to unwind, explore intriguing stories and connect with fellow true crime junkies.


    • Ashley Oakfield
      oakfielda[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Jones Hall - Housing Office

    • Gracie Schmitz
      schmitzg[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Life Center, 2nd Floor

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    Viking Peer Support Program (VPS)

    The purpose of the VPS is to support and enhance the academic, social and personal development of students through a non-clinical, empathetic and empowering approach of peer support to students.


    • Corey Leird
      leirdc[at] grayson [dot] edu
      Life Center, 2nd Floor - Counseling Department

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    Viking PRIDE Alliance

    The Viking PRIDE Alliance is dedicated to supporting and empowering LGBTQ+ students and allies. The organization fosters inclusivity, provides resources and raises awareness of LGBTQ+ issues through advocacy and educational events. By promoting a welcoming campus environment, Viking PRIDE Alliance ensures that all students feel valued and celebrated for their authentic selves.


    • Jennifer Garrett
      garrettje[at] grayson [dot] edu
      HS 206B

    • Sara Kelly
      kellys[at] grayson [dot] edu
      SAB - Financial Aid Office

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    Welding Club

    The Welding Club is a student organization that brings together individuals with a passion for welding and metalworking. Open to students of all skill levels, the club provides a hands-on environment where members can enhance their welding techniques, learn new methods, and collaborate on projects. Through workshops, demonstrations, and community service initiatives, the Welding Club aims to promote craftsmanship, innovation, and safety in the field of welding.


    • Richard Reid
      reidr[at] grayson [dot] edu
      CTC 110A