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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025

Current Student Resources

Grayson College has many resources to help students in their educational journey. These services are designed to empower students for academic and personal success. 

Academic Resources

Assistance and information on Peer Tutoring; Student Labs for reading, writing and math; Disability accommodations and services; and Careers services such as career exploration and job placement. The Advising office has a wide range of online resources for success.

Academic Calendar

Use this quick look calendar to keep up with important dates throughout the semester. More course-specific dates and information will be found in your course syllabus.

Business Office

The Business Office can provide information on paying your tuition or setting up a payment plan for your tuition. Be sure to confirm your financial aid status in MyVikings!

Catalogs, Courses and Handbooks

Visit this menu topic for easy access to the College Catalog, Catalog Archive, Student Handbooks, and the Course Search. Use the Course Search feature to help develop your schedule, or take a look at the Course Listings for a general idea of courses planned for the next semester.

Financial Aid

Find information on filing for various forms of Financial Aid, apply for Work Study jobs, and learn more about Veterans benefits.

Grayson Cares

Grayson Cares is a collection of resources put together for students. These resources include Emergency Aid, Campus Food Pantry, Veterans Programs, Personal Counseling and more.

Help Desk

Get help with the College's learning management system, Canvas.

Registrar's Office

Request a transcript, apply for graduation, or maintain your current contact information. Plus, get information on dropping a course and many other services needed for students who are attending classes.