Academic Fresh Start

Oftentimes students begin college and then obstacles get in the way of completing their goal. Sometimes this results in an academic record that you'd like to leave behind and have a 'fresh start'. We have a process to help you get started again and on your path to a new educational experience.
1. Students may, at the time of their application for admission to Grayson College, file for Academic Fresh Start in the Admissions and Records Office. All academic course credits or course grades earned exactly ten or more years prior to the starting date of the semester in which the applicant seeks to enroll will not be considered in the calculation of the grade point average.
2. A student will forfeit the use of all credits earned prior to enrollment under the Academic Fresh Start Policy. Courses taken prior to this time will not be used in the calculations of the student’s grade point average.
3. The student’s record will be inscribed with the notation “Academic Fresh Start Granted (date).”
4. Policies concerning Academic Fresh Start are applicable only to Grayson College. They do not pertain to financial aid history or accumulated award limits. Other colleges may not recognize the reprieve.
5. To request Academic Fresh Start a student must submit a completed application for admission, a written petition for Academic Fresh Start, and all transcripts or prior college or university work to the Admissions, Records Office prior to the beginning of the semester of application.