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Frequently Asked Questions

  • TRIO is an educational opportunity for low-income and disabled Americans. Congress established a series of programs to help low-income Americans enter college, succeed and graduate. Student Support Services is one of the eight TRIO programs.

    The mission of Student Support Services is to provide individualized academic resources and advising to eligible students by developing academic plans and goals, enhancing the student’s college experience and creating an institutional climate of support.

  • Students served by the TRIO SSS program at Grayson College receive academic advising and monitoring, mentoring, private tutoring when needed and have access to a technology lab. SSS offers experiences in leadership and personal development for students to prepare them for their futures as a college graduate.

    Other services:

    • Cultural and professional experiences in preparation for life after GC such as visits to museums, plays, or career shadowing trips, all free to students.
    • Mentoring and workshops in basic study skills
    • Workshops and advising on managing credit and avoiding debt
    • Graduation and transfer advising and visits to four-year institutions
    • Assistance with the completion of the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
    • Information about career options and general life skills
  • Compared to the general student population, students participating in the SSS program are retained each semester in greater numbers, have overall higher GPAs and complete their course of studies more often within 5 years than the general population. SSS helps build learning communities by connecting students from similar backgrounds and providing them with a support system that can last for years.

  • To be eligible, a student must be a US citizen and meet one of the following criteria: (1) first generation college student (2) low income; or (3) have a disability. We know that approximately 52% of GC students qualify for the SSS program. If you know someone who qualifies, you can refer them to our office and we will help them get started.