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Maintenance FAQS

  • We are located toward the back of the campus, you will see buses, heavy equipment, and chain-link fences.
  • Confirm you are on the Approved Drivers List, Check the calendar for availability, fill out & submit the vehicle request form. Stop by the office the day of the trip and pick up the keys & or gas card if needed.
  • Park the vehicle back in the parking lot it was picked up from, be sure not to leave any trash in the vehicles, drop the keys & or gas card off in the Maintenance office (If there is no one on campus there is a lock box located outside of the door to the Facility Maintenance Coordinator’s office, if the building is locked or the return day is on a day the campus is closed, please park the vehicle in the same parking lot mentioned above, lock the vehicle, and keep the keys/gas card until we return to campus and return them ASAP.)
  • From the Grayson College website, click on “Employee Rescores, Facility Maintenance, Facility Service Request, Department: Facility Services, fill out the required form, Please make sure you include the building name, floor, details of issue, & room number for the locating you are submitting for, submit ticket.
    • Facilities Management prioritizes and categorizes response to Service Requests based on the following Levels of Service:
      • Emergency: Immediate response due to threat to life, health, facility, or utility.
      • High: Response within 24 hours.
      • Routine: Response within 5 business days.
      • Actual completion times depend upon multiple factors, including but not limited to materials required, schedule availability, or multiple employees required to complete the work.
  • Key request should be made through the Service Request form by a Director.
  • Requests to move offices must first be approved by your Director. Once the move has been approved, please submit a Service Request, including furniture to be moved, attach a picture, we highly suggest emptying all desks and cabinets as well as personally removing or packing fragile/personal items. All computer and phone services should be requested through IT.
  • Equipment and supplies, regardless of the condition or estimated value that is no longer needed by a department should be transferred to West Campus.  Fill out Surplus paperwork here.  Once paperwork is filled out, please submit a Service Request for Facility Maintenance to haul furniture or other items to West Campus.
  • There is a small lost and found location in the Library as well as the Campus Police building.
  • Submit a Facility Services Request. All temperature calls are handled in the following manner: Once the request is received the work order is immediately given to an HVAC Tech (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) who has online access to the computerized energy management system. In a majority of the calls, the HVAC Tech can handle temperature issues via the computer. In addition, the HVAC Tech will be dispatched to the location if further work is required.
  • Emergency calls are those that involve potential threat or damage to life and/or property (gas leak, fire alarms, water leaks, etc.)
  • Initiate a Facility Service Request with the following information: Name, dates and times items are needed, number of tables and chairs needed and delivery location.
  • Please call 903-463-8640 to report any utility issues.  Please be specific on the location, and please immediately report if there is a hazard (steam or gas leak, a large hole, electrical lines exposed, etc.)