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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025

Exemptions and Waivers


Ad Valorem - To permit junior/community colleges the opportunity to choose to offer students living outside their taxing district to pay in-district rates.

Adopted - Those adopted from DFPS to pursue a higher education in Texas by providing eligible students free tuition at state-supported colleges or universities.

Children of Disabled Fireman/Peace Officers - Provide tuition assistance in the form of exemption of all dues, fees, and charges for any child of an eligible disabled or deceased firefighter or law enforcement officer injured in the line of duty.

Children of Nurse Faculty - To provide an exemption of tuition to eligible students to encourage their parents to continue employment as professional nurse faculty or staff members in the State of Texas.

Children of POW's & MIA's - To provide an education benefit to the children of persons listed as Missing in Action or Prisoners of War by the U.S. Department of Defense.

Community College District Employees - Full-time employees may attend college district courses tuition-free.

Deaf or Blind - Help enable students who are blind or deaf to attend public colleges or universities in the state of Texas.

Dependents of Deceased Public Servants - Provide higher education benefits to the spouse and children of individuals in specific public servant positions who were killed in the line of duty.

Disabled Peace Officer - Provide tuition assistance to eligible peace officers and firefighters permanently disabled due to injury suffered during the performance of duty.

Education Aides - To encourage certain Educational Aides to complete full teacher certification by providing need-based exemptions from the payment of tuition and certain mandatory fees at Texas public institutions of higher education.

Firefighters taking Fire Science Courses - Provide tuition assistance to eligible employed and volunteer firefighters in the state of Texas enrolled in college-level fire science courses

Foster Care - Encourage foster youth currently or formerly under the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to pursue a higher education in Texas by providing eligible students free tuition at state-supported colleges or universities.

Hazlewood - Provides qualified Veterans, spouses, and dependent children with an education benefit of up to 150 hours of tuition exemption, including most fee charges, at public institutions of higher education in Texas.

Highest Ranking High School Graduate - To provide an award to students graduating top in their classes in high school.

National Guard - Tuition assistance provides financial assistance to Soldiers pursuing an academic certificate, baccalaureate and master degrees.

Peace Officer - Provide tuition assistance to eligible employed peace officers in the state of Texas enrolled in undergraduate criminal justice or law enforcement courses.

Preceptor's and/or their Children - To encourage nurses to serve as Clinical Nurse Preceptors by providing a partial exemption from tuition to them and/or their children. 

TAPS Performers - To provide students who play taps at military funerals with a voucher for tuition reduction at certain institutions of higher education in Texas.


All of the above information has been obtained from College for All Texans, and is subject to change.  For more information, please click on each link to be re-directed to the College for All Texans website.