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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025

Innovative Teaching and Learning Grant

The Innovative Learning Grant Endowment program was born through a desire to provide resources that support creative teaching practices and learning concepts that improve student success. Colleagues are challenged to seek unique resources that will enhance their students’ success both in the classroom and in the workplace upon graduation.

Using the Grayson College Foundation Giving Levels, the donor(s) may either select a specific program/department to receive the annual endowment distribution, designate the Innovative Learning Grant Fund that is available for any program /department, establish a Named Innovative Learning Grant, or contribute to a Named Innovative Learning Grant that has already been established.

Grant Process and Guidelines:

  • All employees of Grayson College who have contact with students in a learning environment are eligible to apply for and receive a grant. If a specific program/department is named by the donor, requests must be related to that program or department.
  • The proposal should represent a creative or innovative instructional approach to the accomplishment of its objectives and enhance the college’s ability to strengthen student success.
  • The proposal should address a new project, as opposed to one already accomplished or underway unless the resource being requested is a new enhancement.
  • The availability of grant funds should not be considered by administrators when making budget allocations. This funding is for items above and beyond the normal college budget.
  • The grant request must have the approval of the appropriate dean (or vice president).
  • Grant requests must be submitted via a completed Innovative Learning Grant application that is delivered to the GC Foundation Office by the annual deadline, 4:00 p.m. April 15.
  • In order to maintain a donor’s interest in the Foundation’s Innovative Learning Grant program, a brief accountability report must be submitted to the Foundation within one year after payment. The report should describe the use of this grant, the results achieved, and an accounting for the total grant funds, and will be forwarded to the donor(s). The Foundation will provide this form at the time grant funds are awarded.
  • The funds may be used annually for smaller items, or can be accrued up to 3 years to secure larger purchases.
  • If no grant requests are received/paid within 2 years, the accrued funding will automatically be diverted to a program need as determined by the Grant Selection Committee. A copy of the Innovative Learning Grant application will be shared with the GC Grant Office so that additional grants can be researched and considered.
  • The donor and professor/recipient of the Innovative Learning Grant will be invited to the annual Morrison Banquet. Higher priority will be given to projects that feature one or more of:
  • Grant proposals that incorporate collaboration from inter-departmental or interdisciplinary approaches, an organization, and/or community resources. Such outside contributions are a sign of commitment to the project and multiply the effectiveness of the grant award.
  • An innovative project that represents a new direction for the college, and provides a model to improve existing practice or processes.
  • Built on proven best practices.
  • Sustainability: can be perpetuated, renewed, incorporated into operational budget, can be supported by clearly identified alternative sources of funding or has minimal recurring or associated costs. SELECTION: The GC Foundation will assemble 3-5 college employees who represent a broad cross-section of campus departments to review the grant applications and select recipients.


The Grayson College Foundation will assemble 3-5 college employees who represent a broad cross-section of campus departments to review the grant applications and select the recipient(s).


Innovative Learning Grant Application

Ray Family Innovative Learning Grant