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Student Story: Alexis Flatten

Alexis Flatten Headshot

Alexis has always longed to create something with a message, to do something that mattered. She was an avid student, always on the honor roll, but unsure of the direction her life was headed. And although Alexis wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, she knew she wanted to have a positive effect on the world and others.

Her high school’s weekly news broadcast, Jacket Update, was one experience Alexis remembers guiding her. She says, “The class introduced me to the life of a journalist and showed me how important media is in our lives. Media influences the decisions of people everyday, from as simple as what clothing trends there are to as detrimental as impacting stock values. This was it. I knew from this class that journalism was for me.”

By her sophomore year, Alexis had earned a spot on the Jacket Update Media Team and continued in this role throughout her high school career. She credits being on the media team with teaching her film and editing skills, and as a senior became the Executive Producer. Alexis says, “Jacket Update gave me the toolset to be a good leader. As the Executive Producer, I coordinated the layout of our production, scheduled other member’s segments and put together the final product to be uploaded to our YouTube channel. Without Jacket Update, I wouldn’t be the leader or person I am today.”

Alexis’ parents help support her adult sibling and their siblings, and after her parents’ recent divorce, says her dad has struggled to financially support the family on his own. Alexis says, “Because of this, they don’t have the ability to finance my college. Receiving a scholarship means I can go to college and not worry about the burden of having to get student loans. Scholarships matter.”

Alexis is completing core courses with plans to later transfer to a university with a media studies program. She chose Grayson, she says, because “I’m getting the core courses without the price tag of a four year university.” To make her mark on the world, she plans to work for a production company some day where she can create projects like television shows and movies.