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Texas High School Equivalency Cert.

GED Tests are offered in the Grayson College Testing Center:
Success Center (SC) Room 115,
6101 Grayson Dr., Hwy 691
Denison, TX 75020
(903) 463-8724

The Grayson College Testing Center began administering the new 2014 Series of GED exams starting January 2014. The 2002 Series of GED exams was administered from 2002 through 2013.  GED candidates with partial scores prior to January 2014 must start all over on the new 2014 series of GED exams.  Old GED scores may not be combined with the new 2014 series of GED exams.

Test Dates

GED examinations are given on computer at Grayson College’s Pearson Vue Authorized Testing Center on most (but not all) Tuesdays. 


Preregistration is required

1.   Before registering, make sure…

  • you have valid government-issued photo identification (Texas Driver’s License, DPS ID card, passport, military ID card, Mexico Consular Matricula Card).  If your ID does not have a Texas address, you must show proof of Texas residency on the test date.
  • you have credit/debit card or prepaid VISA at hand
  • you have an email address (If you do not have an email address, you will be given an opportunity to request a yahoo/hotmail/gmail account if registering on the computer).

2.  When ready, you may register by computer or by phone.

Test Fees  

$33.75 per section ($135 for all four sections)

Test Description

The GED exam is comprised of 4 sections:

  • Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) - 150 minutes 
  • Mathematical Reasoning - 115 minutes
  • Science - 90 minutes
  • Social Studies - 90 minutes

The GED exam is offered on computer and is available in English or Spanish.

Tests include seven different item types:  multiple choice, short answer, extended response, drag-and-drop, drop-down, fill-in-the-blank, and hot spots.

Age Requirement

GED candidates age 18 or over may take the GED exam.  Seventeen-year-old GED candidates will be instructed to provide two additional forms electronically when registering:  parental permission form and GED’s Test Administration Withdrawal Form.  Sixteen-year-old GED candidates must provide a court order specifically ordering them to take the GED exam.  Documents must be provided electronically as part of the registration process.

Residence Requirement

Must be a resident of Texas or a member of the U.S. armed forces stationed at a Texas installation.

Educational Status

Must be officially withdrawn from school unless enrolled in an approved In-School GED Program.  Must not have received a high school diploma from an accredited high school in the U.S.

Passing Scores

Minimum score of 150 on each section (on a scale of approximately 100 to 200) with a total of 600 for the four sections.  Scores will be available online at a student’s MyGED account at soon after testing (within 3 hours to 2 business days). The GED test score levels are:

  • 145-164 - Pass/High School Equivalency
  • 165-174 - GED College Ready
  • 175-200 - GED College Ready + Credit*

*Credit is subject to institutional approval.


If an exam is failed, the test-taker can retake the exam two times at a reduced price ($13.75) within twelve months of the original failed exam.  After the first three attempts, the test-taker will have to wait an additional 60 days to retake the exam (at the full price).

Directions to Testing Center

Come to Grayson College located on Hwy. 691 in Denison.  Park on the east side of campus, near the front of campus. The Testing Center is on the second floor of the Student Success Center.

Test Preparation

  1. GED preparation classes are handled by the Grayson College Adult Basic Education instructors on the GC campus and other sites.  Classes are free.  Call (903) 463-8784 for dates and times.

  2. Buy a GED Study Guide, available at the GC bookstore and area bookstores.

  3. Go to and sign up for MyGED – just enter your email address, make up a password (that you will remember), and click “Sign Up.”   Then click “Study” in the blue bar at the top.  Charges may apply for some preparation products and services.  The Official GED Practice Test is available by clicking “Take GED Ready,” cost is $6 per section.

Advisory against Misleading GED Claims

Please be advised that the GED® Certificate can be neither earned nor obtained via the Internet or through correspondence programs. The Tests of General Educational Development (GED Tests)--developed by the General Educational Development Testing Service of the American Council on Education (GED Testing Service) require extensive preparation and the demonstration of a high level of high school knowledge and academic skills. The GED Tests are administered in Texas only at approved Pearson Vue Testing Centers under the direction of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) GED Unit. Any other high school equivalency certificates not issued by TEA or another jurisdictional GED testing authority may be of dubious value and may not be accepted by employers, colleges and universities, or the military.

Special Accommodations

Special accommodations for examinees with physical, emotional, and learning disabilities may be requested.  When registering for the GED Exam, test-takers should indicate their interest in applying for accommodations by selecting yes on the question that asks about testing modifications based upon a documented disability.  Once these registration forms are completed, test-takers will receive an email message that provides a link to the accommodation forms, guidelines, and directions for submitting the request documentation.