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Grayson College Music Club

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Membership Information

  • The Music Club is open to all students who are currently or have previously been enrolled in a music course offered at Grayson College (GC).

  • Members are not required to be a music major, but just have an interest in the field of music.

  • Students on disciplinary probation, academic probation, or suspension from GC may not hold office or be involved in this club.

  • Download the by-laws below for more information on the Music Club.


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Media/Historian

In order to be an officer, you must be a Grayson College student and be voted in by the voting members of the club.

Students serving as officers must be enrolled in a minimum of (6) credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

For more information on officer qualifications, duties, vacancies in office, removal of officers, appeal of removal from offices and the election process, download the

by-laws on the membership page.


Regular Meetings Regular meetings with officers and club members will occur approximately once a week or every other week. Meetings with just the officers and/or advisors will occur on an as-needed basis. The club will strive to have an activity/event once a month. Special Meetings If a concern comes up that needs to be addressed right away with all officers, advisors, and members, an officer will call a special meeting. An officer will notify everyone of these meetings via e-mail or phone. Parliamentary Procedure The meetings will run in a more or less informal style. The officers will call the meetings to order and lay out the topics that need to be discussed in that meeting. There will be respectful discussion about the topics and then the officers will conclude the meeting.

GC Music Club Constitution

Article I: Name

Section 1: Grayson College Music Club

Music Club

Section 2: Purpose/Mission

To promote the Grayson College Music Department by spreading music though out the community. Provide a forum for like-minded students to organize events, fundraising opportunities, and attend musical performances.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Eligibility for Membership

  • The Music Club is open to all current students that are currently or have previously been enrolled in a Music course offered at Grayson College (from this point forward Grayson College will be referred to as GC)
  • Members are not required to be a Music Major but just have an interest in the field of Music.
  • Students serving as officers must be enrolled in a minimum of (6) credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • Students on disciplinary probation academic probation, or suspension from GC may not hold office or be involved in this or any registered student organization/club at GC (as accordance with the “GC Student Organization Policies and Procedures Manual.”)

Section 2: Voting Member Criteria

In order for a student to become a voting member they must attend 75% of the meetings and events and show a strong interest in the promotion of the club.

Section 3: Removal of Members

If there needs to be a removal of a member there are three things that need to be done. First, the member must be informed of his/her possible removal and our reasons for it. Second, there must be a meeting with the club officers, club advisors, and the voting members of the club with the individual member concerning possible removal. In this meeting the individual has the opportunity to defend himself or herself and give reasons as to why they should not be removed. Third, the club officers, advisors and voting members will collaborate and come to a decision as to if they should follow through with the removal or not.

Article III: Officers

Section 1: Officer Qualification

In order to be an officer a person must be a GC student and be voted in by the voting members of the club. See Article IV for Election procedures.

Section 2: Elected Officers

All officers are reliable contacts for the Department of Student Life.

Section 3: Duties of Officers

Term of office for each officer is each academic semester (unless later amended). Officers must attend all meetings and events unless otherwise stated.

-President Duties: To organize and run club meetings as well as train the next President.

-Vice President Duties: Substitute the duties of the President in the event he/she is

not at the meeting.

-Media/Historian Duties: In charge of managing social media outlets i.e. Face Book, Twitter, Sound Cloud, etc. Keeping records (photos, programs, etc.) of events participated by the club.

-Secretary Duties: In charge with recording meeting times and a summary of what

was covered in each meeting.

  • In accordance with the “GC Student Organization Policies and Procedures Manual” it is the responsibility of the highest-ranking officer to complete the registration process. Update registration paperwork due to the addition of new members or note the changes in officers and/or advisors. He/she ensures approval is received for all organizational activities and events prior to publicizing. The individual is required to sign his/her signature on the registered student organization signature page.
  • Elected Officers: Elected officers will take place at the first meeting in the fall semester

-Public Relations: Facilitate communications between the GC Music Club, Grayson College, and local community

Fall 2019

President- Kevin Ralston      Secretary- Archer Lightfoot

Vice President- Quentin Bridwell         Media/Historian- Open

Public Relations- Preston Hammond

Section 4: Vacancy in Office

Article IV: Elections

Section 1: Nomination Process

In the event of a vacancy of one of the officer’s position there will be an election procedure to elect a new student officer. See special election section of Article IV…

Section 5: Removal of Officers

If there is question of an officer removal there must be a meeting with all officers and advisors where the officer has a chance to defend himself/herself. The other officers and advisors will then discuss their plan of action based on the statement from the officer in question as well as the reasons for their possible removal.

Section 6: Appeal of Removal of Officers

If an officer is removed he/she is allowed to write an appeal letter to the officers and club advisors. Another meeting with the officers and advisors will be called to look over and possibly re-evaluate their previous decision.

The officer candidates are nominated by another voting member.

Section 2: Election

The election will be held at a club meeting. The election will involve the officers, club advisors and voting members and will take place at the beginning of each semester (unless amended). The Department of Student Life is notified of new officers. The election will be conducted by secret ballot method form. Current officers can re-run as often as they wish.

Section 3: Special Elections

This procedure is the same as Section 2 but the timeline is within three (3) weeks of the vacancy.

Article V: Advisor

Section 1: Selection

Officers will select the advisor. The advisor will be a faculty member of the Fine Arts Department who expresses interest in the position. The advisor will be present at all officer and club meetings. The advisor will advise officers in agenda items and assist them in any way possible.

Section 2: Duties

We would like our advisors to attend all club meetings and events, and act as a resource for the group, speak up with any ideas or concerns they may have, and promote activities to other faculty.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meeting/Club Activates

Regular meetings with officers and club members will occur approximately once a week or every other week. Meetings with just the officers and/or advisors will occur on an as needs basis. The club will strive to have an activity/event once a month.

Section 2: Special Meetings

If a concern comes up that needs to be addressed right away with all officers, advisors, and members a special meeting will be called. Everyone will be notified of these meetings via e-mail or phone.

Section 3: Parliamentary Procedure

The meetings will be run in a more or less informal style. The officers will call the meetings to order and lay out the topics that need to be discussed in that meeting. There will be respectful discussion about the topics and then the officers will conclude the meeting. All meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary order.

Section 4: Quorum

2/3 of the officers/voting members should be present for official club business to occur. A quorum is defined as two-thirds members present.

Article VII: Committees

Section 1: Committee Structure

Committees will be formed if needed for particular projects and their responsibilities will be decided upon based on the kind of project.

Article VIII: Finances

Section 1: Funds will be raised by projects voted on and receiving a majority vote of members present at any regularly scheduled meetings

Section 2: Honorariums

No officers or members will receive a honorarium/stipend from the organization.

Article IX: Amendments

Section 1: Ratification

Voting procedures will be the same as for election procedures

Section 2: Submittal to Department of Student Life

Any changes made to this constitution must be submitted to the Department of Student Life.

Article X:

The GC Music Club admits students without regard to their race, religion, color, primary instrument, sex, age, sexual orientation or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, disability or veteran status program and other activities, generally accorded or made available to members of the organization.

Article XI:

The GC Music Club considers hazing to be a degrading and destructive activity which is inconsistent with the standards of this student organization. The GC Music Club recognizes the dignity of every person and opposes all forms of hazing.

Article XIII:

Section 1: Dissolution

In case of a voluntary relinquishment and dissolution, the club must call a meeting giving due notice of the business to be considered to all members. Within four (4) weeks, a second meeting shall be called at which time the motion for dissolution shall be voted upon. If the motion passes by majority vote, formal notice of the relinquishment shall be forwarded immediately to the director of Student Life.