Grayson College seeking Student Liaison to GC Board of Trustees

Grayson College is seeking a Student Liaison to the Grayson College Board of Trustees. Interested applicants should have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Serving as a Student Liaison is a great opportunity to:
- Represent the student voice during board meetings
- Learn more about how Grayson College supports student success
- Receive a $500 scholarship for Fall and Spring semesters
Interested students can pick up an application packet from the Life Center (view on campus map), 2nd Floor.
The completed application can be returned in one of these ways:
- Emailed to Dr. Harris at
Mailed to Dr. Harris:
Dr. Molly Harris
Dean of Student Affairs
Grayson College
6101 Grayson Drive
Denison, Texas 75020 - Dropped off at the Student Life Reception Area
The application deadline is February 28, 2024