Grayson College Calls Bond for May Election

On February 8, 2024, the Grayson College Board of Trustees voted to seek voter approval for a $456,500,000 bond issue. This process has been a community effort since December with a Facility Planning Committee composed of 70 members. The Committee included citizens, local business owners, board members, professors, alumni and students. The Committee dedicated significant time to the long-term planning for the College including county data collection, enrollment evaluations, current and future job markets and financial planning to put this bond package together.
This plan includes additions, renovations and safety and security improvements with a focus on:
- industrial technologies- increased capacity in current programs and additional physical space for new programs, ensuring spaces are flexible and interchangeable to stay on top of industry trends.
- health sciences- shared spaces will provide collaboration in simulation labs and other spaces, providing increased capacity in current programs and additional physical space for new programs.
- residence halls- modern amenities with increased capacity will provide improved safety, ensuring a welcoming and productive atmosphere for student living and learning.
- infrastructure and support- improved and additional fiber, security, physical plant, parking and circulation to improve the safety, walkability and beauty of the campus environment.
The College’s financial advisor has determined that there would be no increase to the overall tax rate of the College’s current 14.5991 cents to finance $456,500,000 in bonds.
“I’m extremely grateful for the work of our Facilities Planning Committee,” said Dr. Jeremy McMillen, President. “Grayson College is fortunate to have multiple strong partnerships in the community that allow us to engage in collaborative efforts for the benefit of all residents in Texoma. We are building for growth to fill the talent pipeline while not increasing the overall tax rate.”
A list of items including projects constructed over two phases that will be on the bond referendum for citizens to vote on is outlined below.
- New main campus health sciences building
- Renovate/expand main campus Technical Center (Industrial Technologies)
- New main campus residence hall
- Improvements to main campus central quad, pedestrian circulation and campus signage
- New network IT operations center
- New campus security and police building
- New Industrial Technology Education facility
- New Career Technical Center
- Renovate existing health science building for classrooms and lab spaces
- Improvements to main campus central drive, utilities, parking, engineering and infrastructure
- Renovate south campus administration (Science labs, 4-5 new offices)
- Renovate South Campus Technical Center (convert welding to new use)
- Improvements to south campus central drive, utilities, parking, quad and infrastructure
- New maintenance, central shipping and receiving ground facility
- New Student Connection Center (Student Services)
“I’m so excited about the future of Grayson College,” said Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Debbie Barnes Plyler. “We are uniquely situated to address the educational needs brought by the growth of our region. And I am most proud that we can do so without an increase to the overall tax rate.”
Following the unanimous vote, Board member and GC alumnus Ronnie Cole said, “I want to thank you all for the time that you’ve given. It means a lot to me that you care for Grayson College.”
We want all Grayson County residents to be educated about the bond, please visit for more information and to submit any questions you may have. Registered voters will have the opportunity to vote on the bond referendum beginning with early voting from April 22 – April 30 and on Election Day, May 4.