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Accounting Course Sequences

Associate of Applied Science - Accounting

AAS in Accounting Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACCT 2301 or ACNT 1303 with ACNT 1304 3
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
BUSI 1301 (Business Principles) 3
ITSW 1304 (Introduction to Spreadsheets) or BCIS 1305 (Business Computer Applications) 3
BUSG 1304 (Financial Literacy) 3
ACCT 2302 (Principles of Managerial Accounting) 3
MRKG 1311 (Principles of Marketing) 3
BMGT 1327 (Principles of Management) 3
ECON 2301 (Principles of Macroeconomics) 3
BMGT 1305 (Communications in Management) 3
ACNT 1331 (Federal Income Tax - Individual) 3
SPCH 1311 (Introduction to Speech) or SPCH 1321 (Business & Professional Communication) 3
Mathematics/Life and Physical Sciences Core 3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture/Creative Arts Core 3
ACNT 1311 (Introduction to Computerized Accounting) 3
ACNT 1313 (Computerized Accounting Applications) 3
BUSG 2305 (Business Law/Contracts) 3
ACNT 2302 (Accounting Capstone) 3
COSC 1301 (Introduction to Computer Science) 3
ACNT 1329 (Payroll and Business Tax Accounting) 3
Total: 60

Bookkeeping - Certificate

Bookkeeping Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACCT2301 or ACNT1303 with ACNT1304 3
ACNT1313 (Computerized Accounting Applications) 3
ITSW1304 ( Introduction to Spreadsheets) or BCIS1305 (Business Computer Applications) 3
ACNT1329 (Payroll and Business Tax Accounting) 3
ACNT1311 (Introduction to Computerized Accounting) 3
Total: 15

Accounting - Certificate

Accounting Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACCT 2301 or ACNT 1303 with ACNT 1304 3
ACNT 1311 (Introduction to Computerized Accounting) 3
BUSI 1301 (Business Principles) 3
BMGT 1305 (Communications in Management) 3
BUSG 1304 (Financial Literacy) 3
ACCT 2302 (Principles of Managerial Accounting) 3
ACNT 1329 (Payroll and Business Tax Accounting) 3
ACNT 1331 (Federal Income Tax - Individual) 3
ITSW 1304 (Introduction to Spreadsheets) or BCIS 1305 (Business Computer Applications) 3
ACNT 1313 (Computerized Accounting Applications) 3
Total: 30


Accounting - Occupational Skills Award

Accounting Occupational Skills Award Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACCT 2301 (Principles of Financial Accounting) or ACNT 1303 (Introduction to Accounting I) 3
ITSW 1304 (Introduction to Spreadsheets) or BCIS 1305 (Business Computer Applications) 3
ACNT 1313 (Computerized Accounting Applications) 3
Total: 9