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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025

Advanced Manufacturing Recommended Course Sequences

Associate of Applied Science - Advanced Manufacturing Technology

AAS in Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
MATH 1332 (Quantitative Reasoning) 3
EDUC 1300 (Learning Frameworks) 3
CRIJ 1307 (Crime in America) or HIST 1301 (United States History I) 3
TECM 1303  (Technical Calculations) 3
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
MCHN 1302 (Print Reading for Machine Trade) 3
ARTS 1301 (Arts Appreciation) or PHIL 1301 (Introduction to Philosophy) 3
OSHT 1401 (Introduction to Safety and Health) 4
POFT 1220 (Job Search Skills) 2
MCHN 1320 (Precision Tools and Measurements) 3
MCHN 1438 (Basic Machine Shop I) 4
QCTC 1343 Quality Assurance) 3
PTAC 2346 (Process Troubleshooting) 3
IMNT 1419 (Manufacturing Processes) 4
MCHN 1454 (Intermediate Machining II) or Elective 4
MCHN 1326 (Intro to Computer Aided Manufacturing) or Elective 3
MCHN 1371 (Manufacturing Skills Standards) 3
INMT 2388 (Internship-Manufacturing Technology/Technician) or Elective 3
Elective 3
Total: 60


Elective options include: BUSG 2309, SPCH 1321, ITSW 1304, ITSC 1309, DFTG 1445, ELPT 2319, PTAC 1408, RBTC 1355.

Advanced Manufacturing Technician - Certificate 

Advanced Manufacturing Technician Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
TECH 1303 (Technical Calculations) 3
MCHN 1302 (Print Reading for Machining Trades ) 3
OSHT 1401 (Introduction to Safety and Health) 4
POFT 1220 (Job Search Skills) 2
MCHN 1320 (Precision Tools and Measurements) 3
MCHN 1438 (Basic Mch Shop I) 4
QCTC 1343 (Quality Assurance) 3
PTAC 2346 (Process Troubleshooting) 3
INMT 1419 (Manufacturing Processes) 4
MCHN 1454 (Intermediate Machining II) or Elective 4
MCHN 1326 (Computer Aided Manufacturing) or Elective 3
MCHN 1371 (MSSC Local Needs) 3
INMT 2388 (Internship Mfg Tech) or Elective 3
Total: 42


Elective options include: BUSG 2309, SPCH 1321, ITSW 1304, ITSC 1309, DFTG 1445, ELPT 2319, PTAC 1408, RBTC 1355.

Basic Manufacturing Technician - Certificate

Basic Manufacturing Technician Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
TECM 1303  (Technical Calculations) 3
MCHN 1302 (Print Rdng for Mchn) 3
OSHT 1401 (Introduction to Safety and Health) (Corequisite class) 4
POFT 1220 (Job Search Skills) 2
MCHN 1320 (Prec Tools & Measure) (Corequisite class) 3
MCHN 1438 (Basic Shop I) (Corequisite class) 4
Total: 19


Mechatronics Technician - Certificate 

Mechatronics Technician Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ELPT 1311 (Fundamentals of Electricity) 3
TECM 1303 (Technical Calculations) 3
ELPT 1441 (Motor Control) 4
ELPT 2319 (Programmable Logic Controllers I) 3
MCHN 1326 (Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing) 3
Total: 16

Capstone Requirement: All students must complete the required departmental comprehensive written and practical competency exam prior to graduation to satisfy the requirements for a capstone experience.

Advanced Manufacturing Level I Machining - Certificate 

Advanced Manufacturing Level I Machining Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
MCHN 1408 (Basic Lathe Operations) 4
MCHN 1413 (Basic Milling Operations) 4
MCHN 1458 (Intermediate Lathe Operations) 4
MCHN 2402 (Intermediate Milling Operations) 4
MCHN 2433 (Advanced Lathe Operations) 4
MCHN 2437 (Advanced Milling Operations) 4
Total: 24