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Athletic Training Associate of Science Course Sequence

AS in Athletic Training Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
MATH 1342 (Elementary Statistical Methods) 3
American History Core 3
EDUC/PSYC 1300 (Learning Frameworks) 3
PHED 2356 (Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries) 3
ENGL 1302 (Composition  II) or SPCH 1311 (Introduction to Speech Communication) 3
Language, Philosophy, Culture Core 3
BIOL 1306 (Biology I) 3
BIOL 1106 (Biology I Lab) 1
Creative Arts Core 3
Government/Political Science Core 3
PHED 1301 (Foundations of Kinesiology) 3
BIOL 2301 (Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture) 3
BIOL 2101 (Anatomy & Physiology I Lab) 1
American History Core 3
PHED 1306 (First Aid) 3
PHED 1164 (Introduction to Physical Fitness & Sports) 1
Social Behavioral Science Core 3
Government/Political Science Core 3
BIOL 1322 (Nutrition and Diet Therapy) 3
PHED 1304 (Personal & Community Health I) 3
PHED 1346 (Drug Use & Abuse) 3
Total: 60