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Business Recommended Course Sequences

Associate of Science - Business Administration

Business Administration AS Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
BCIS 1305 (Business Computer Applications) 3
BUSI 1301 (Business Principles) 3
HIST 1301 (United States History I) 3
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
MATH 1314 (College Algebra) or MATH 1324 (Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences) 3
BUSI 2305 (Business Statistics) 3
SPCH 1321 (Business & Professional Communication) 3
HIST 1302 (U.S. History II) 3
ENGL 1302 (Composition II) 3
Component Area Core Option 1
ACCT 2301 (Principles of Financial Accounting) 3
HUMA 1301 (Introduction to Humanities I) or HUMA 1302 (Introduction to Humanities II) 3
GOVT 2305 (Federal Government) 3
GEOL 1301 (Earth Sciences) 3
GEOL 1101 (Earth Sciences Lab I) 1
ECON 2301 (Principles of Macroeconomics I) 3
ECON 2302 (Principles of Microeconomics) 3
ACCT 2302 (Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
GOVT 2306 (Texas Government) 3
ARTS 1301 (Art Appreciation) or MUSI 1306 (Music Appreciation) 3
BIOL 1308 (Biology for Non-Science Majors) 3
BIOL 1108 (Biology Lab for Non-Science Majors) 1
Total: 60

Associate of Applied Science - Business and Management

AAS in Business and Management Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACNT 1303 (Introduction to Accounting I) or ACCT 2301 (Principles of Financial Accounting) 3
BUSI 1301 (Business Principles) 3
BUSG 1304 (Financial Literacy) 3
BMGT 2309 (Leadership) 3
ITSC 1309 (Integrated Software Applications) 3
ACNT 1304 (Intro to Accounting II) or ACNT 1313 (Computerized Accounting Applications) 3
BMGT 1305 (Communications in Management) 3
BMGT 1327 (Principles of Management) 3
ECON 2301 (Principles of Macroeconomics) 3
SPCH 1321 (Business & Professional Communication) or SPCH 1311 (Introduction to Speech Communication) 3
BUSG 2305 (Business Law/Contracts) 3
MRKG 1302, 1311 or 2333 3
HRPO 2301 (Human Resources Management) 3
BUSG 2309 (Small Business Management) 3
ACCT 2302 (Principles of Managerial Accounting) 3
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
ECON 2302 (Principles of Microeconomics) 3
Mathematics/Life and Physical Sciences Core 3
BMGT 1341 (Business Ethics - Capstone) 3
Language, Philosophy and Culture Core 3
total: 60

Business General Management - Certificate

Business General Management Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACNT 1303 (Introduction to Accounting I) or ACCT 2301 (Principles of Financial Accounting) 3
BUSI 1301 (Business Principles) 3
BUSG 1304 (Financial Literacy) 3
BMGT 2309 (Leadership) 3
ITSC 1309 (Integrated Software Applications I) 3
ACNT 1304 (Introduction to Accounting II) or ACNT 1313 (Computerized Accounting Applications) 3
BMGT 1305 (Communications in Management) 3
BMGT 1327 (Principles of Management) 3
ECON 2301 (Principles of Macroeconomics) 3
SPCH 1311, 1315, or 1321 3
BUSG 2305 (Business Law - Capstone) 3
MRKG 1311 or MRKG 1302 or MRKG 2333 3
HRPO 2301 (Human Resources Management) 3
BUSG 2309 (Small Business Management) 3
ACCT 2302 (Principles of Managerial Accounting) 3
Total: 45

Courses should be taken in order. 

This certificate is the second and third semester course work of the Business Management Associate of Applied Science degree plan.

Please review your Student Planner or contact your  Success Coach/Faculty Mentor to review which courses may be used to fulfill core requirements.

Business Foundation - Certificate

Business Foundation Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ACNT 1303 (Introduction to Accounting I) or ACCT 2301 (Principles of Financial Accounting) 3
BUSI 1301 (Business Principles) 3
BUSG 1304 (Financial Literacy) 3
BMGT 2309 (Leadership - Capstone) 3
ITSC 1309 (Integrated Software Applications) 3
Total: 15

This is also semester one of the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Business and Management.

Business and Management - Marketing Occupational Skills Award

Business and Management - Marketing Occupational Skills Award Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
MRKG 1302 (Principles of Retailing) 3
MRKG 1311 (Principles of Marketing) 3
MRKG 2333 (Principles of Selling) 3
Total: 9