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Dental Assisting Recommended Course Sequences

Associate of Applied Science - Dental Assisting

AAS in Dental Assisting Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
PSYC 2301 (General Psychology) 3
EDUC 1300/PSYC 1300, SPCH 1311, SPCH 1321, OR ENGL 2311 3
SOCI 1301 (Introduction to Sociology) 3
HIST 1301 (United States History I) 3
ARTS 1301, HUMA 1301, MUSI 1306 or PHIL 1301 3
BIOL 2404 or BIOL 2301/2101 4
MATH 1332 or MATH 1342 or MATH 1314 3
DNTA 1245 (Preventive Dentistry) 2
DNTA 1305 (Dental Radiology) 3
DNTA 1311 (Dental Science) 3
DNTA 1315 (Chairside Assisting) 3
DNTA 1202 (Comm and Behavior in the Dental Office) 2
DNTA 1301 (Dental Materials) 3
DNTA 1251 (Dental Office Management) 2
DNTA 1349 (Dental Radiology in the Clinic) 3
DNTA 1347 (Adv. Dental Science) 3
DNTA 1353 (Dental Assisting Applications) 3
DNTA 2230 (Seminar for the Dental Assistant I) 2
DNTA 1460 (Clinical-Dental Assisting) 4
DNTA 2260 (Clinical-Dental Assisting) 2
Total: 60

Dental Assisting - Certificate

Dental Assisting Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
DNTA 1245 (Preventive Dentistry) 2
DNTA 1305 (Dental Radiology I) 3
DNTA 1311 (Dental Science) 3
DNTA 1315 (Chairside Assisting) 3
DNTA 1301 (Dental Materials) 3
DNTA 1202 (Comm. and Behavior in the Dental Office) 2
DNTA 1251 (Dental Office Management) 2
DNTA 1347 (Adv. Dental Science) 3
DNTA 1349 (Dental Radiology in the Clinic) 3
DNTA 1353 (Dental Assisting Applications) 3
DNTA 1460 (Clinical-Dental Assisting) 4
DNTA 2230 (Seminar for the Dental Assistant) 2
DNTA 2260 (Clinical-Dental Assisting) 2
Total: 35