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Hospitality Management Recommended Course Sequence

Associate of Applied Science Degree - Hospitality Management

AAS in Hospitality Management Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
CHEF 1305 (Sanitation and Safety)  3
RSTO 1313 (Hospitality Supervision)  3
HAMG 1321 (Introduction to Hospitality Industry) 3
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
MATH 1332 (Quantitative Reasoning) or MATH 1314 (College Algebra) 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core 3
CHEF 1301 (Basic Food Preparation) 3
RSTO 2301 (Principles of Food and Beverage Controls) 3
HAMG 1213 (Front Office Management)  2
HAMG, PSTR, CHEF or FDST Elective 3
SPCH 1311 (Introduction to Speech Communication) or SPCH 1321 (Business and Professional Communication) 3
CHEF 2331 (Advanced Food Preparation)  3
HAMG 2301 (Principles of Food and Beverage Operations)  3
HAMG 1300 (Introduction to the Casino and Gaming Industry) 3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture/Creative Arts Core 3
HAMG 2305 (Hospitality Management and Leadership) 3
HAMG 2332 (Hospitality Financial Management) 3
HAMG 2337 (Hospitality Facilities Management) 3
RSTO 1304 (Dining Room Service)  3
HAMG 2167 (Practicum or Field Experience)  1
CHEF 1314 (A La Carte Cooking)  3
Total: 60

Completion of CHEF 1205 with a grade of "B" or higher and a valid Servsafe certification is a prerequisite for CHEF 1301, CHEF 2331, CHEF 1314 and RSTO 1304.

Hospitality Management - Certificate

Hospitality Management Certificate Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
CHEF 1305 (Sanitation and Safety)  3
RSTO 1313 (Hospitality Supervision) 3
HAMG 1321 (Introduction to Hospitality Industry)  3
CHEF 1301 (Basic Food Preparation)  3
RSTO 2301 (Principles of Food and Beverage Controls) 3
HAMG 1213 (Front Office Management) 2
HAMG 2301 (Principles of Food and Beverage Operations) 3
HAMG 1300 (Introduction to the Casino and Gaming Industry) 3
HAMG 2305 (Hospitality Management and Leadership) 3
HAMG 2332 (Hospitality Financial Management)  3
HAMG 2337 (Hospitality Facilities Management)  3
RSTO 1304 (Dining Room Service) 3
HAMG 2167 (Practicum or Field Experience) 1
Total: 36

Hospitality Management Occupational Skills Award

Hospitality Management Occupational Skills Award Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
CHEF 1305 (Sanitation and Safety) 3
CHEF 1301 (Basic Food Preparation) 3
RSTO 1313 (Hospitality Supervision) 3
HAMG 1321 (Introduction to Hospitality Industry)  3
Total: 12