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Nursing Recommended Course Sequences

Associate of Applied Science - Nursing - Traditional Program

AAS in Nursing Prerequisites
Subject Semester Hours
BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2301 with BIOL 2101 (Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture and Lab) 4
BIOL 2402 or BIOL 2302 and BIOL 2102 (Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture and Lab) 4
MATH 1314 (College Algebra) or MATH 1342 (Elementary Statistical Methods) 3
Prerequisites: 11
AAS in Nursing Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
RNSG 1423 (Introduction to Professional Nursing for Integrated Programs) 4
RNSG 1119 (Integrated Nursing Skills) 1
RNSG 1360 (Clinical)  3
BIOL 2420 or BIOL 2320 and BIOL 2120 (Microbiology Lecture and Lab) 4
PSYC 2301 (General Psychology)  3

RNSG 2404 (Integrated Care of the Patient with Common Health Care Needs)

RNSG 1144 (Nursing Skills)  1
RNSG 1461 (Clinical) 4
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture/Creative Arts Core 3
PSYC 2314 (Lifespan, Growth & Development) 3
RNSG 2414 (Integrated Care of the Patient with Complex Health Care Needs) 4
RNSG 2462 (Clinical) 4
RNSG 2435 (Integrated Client Care Management)  4
RNSG 2463 (Clinical)  4
Total: 60