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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025

Future Students

General Information

The Grayson College Associate Degree Nursing program is a 2-year program. The program admits a new cohort of students every Fall and Spring semester.  The nursing courses (RNSG) are separated into four semesters, 16 weeks each, during the Fall and Spring semesters only. Students will not take nursing courses or attend clinical during the summer, unless otherwise indicated by the Grayson College Nursing Department. Students can choose to take other academic courses towards a future Bachelor Degree of Nursing (BSN) during the summer courses if they would like to.

There are 2 program tracks available, the Traditional Track and the Transitional Entry (LVN to RN) Track.  The Traditional Track is consists of four semesters of nursing (RNSG) coursework.  The Transitional Entry Track is for students who are licensed as a LPN/LVN and is three semesters of nursing coursework.  Both program tracks will consist of academic pre-requisite and co-requisite courses.  Please see the degree plans below:

ADN Traditional Degree Plan

ADN Transitional Entry (LVN-RN) Degree Plan

For more information please email nursing [at] grayson [dot] edu

ADN Application

TE Application

  • Application Opens January 1st, 2025

    Nursing program application opens.


    Application Closes Aprils 1st, 2025

    Nursing application deadline

    Must be fully or conditionally admitted to GC

    All final transcripts and HESI scores must be turned in

    Admissions Selection Mid May 2025

    All applicants will be notified by email of their admissions decision

    Mandatory Orientation July 2025

    Accepted and Waitlist applicants must attend this orientation

    Board Clearance documents due, Immunizations should be complete

    Program Begins August 2025

     First Day of Class

    Dates subject to change at the discretion of the Nursing Department

  • The Nursing Department offers Information Sessions for prospective students.  These sessions include general information about the program, admission requirements, and discussing the application process.  

    Nursing Information Sessions:
    • Wednesday (8/28) at Noon in HS 209. 
    • Tuesday (9/10) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
    • Monday (9/23) at Noon in HS 209 
    • Tuesday (10/08) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
    • Thursday (10/24) at Noon in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
    • Tuesday (11/05) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium
    • Wednesday (11/20) at Noon in HS 209
    • Thursday (01/09) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
    • Wednesday (01/22) at Noon in HS 209
    • Monday (02/03) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
    • Monday (02/17) at Noon in HS 209
    • Tuesday (03/18) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
    • Wednesday (03/26) at Noon in HS 209
    Nursing Information Session Presentation Download 
  • Application Process

      • Apply online at
      • Select Nursing University Transfer as your major (not Associate Degree Nursing)
      • Contact Admissions Office at 903-415-2596 for assistance
      • Applicants are required to be fully or conditionally admitted to be considered for the nursing
      • Required Documents (only submit the following documents when applying to the nursing program. All other  required documents can be submitted at orientation)
      • Application (important: must be typed)
      • Verification statement 
      • HESI Exam Scores (Including eligible scores and the 5 required sections, required by application) or NLN NEX Exam Scores (Submit your composite score & science score report - only the Anatomy, Physiology, & Health Section will be used) The date of either test must be within 5 years.
      • Healthcare Employment Verification document (for PCT and CNA’s only)
    4. Applications must be submitted to If a picture is taken of your document it must be clear and legible. Paper copies of documents will not be accepted in person or by mail. Applicants are responsible for ensuring updated documents are received by our office by the application deadline.
    5. The Nursing Department retains the right to deny applications or documents it deems incomplete, ineligible, or illegible at the department’s discretion. The applicant is responsible for ensuring their application is complete, eligible, submitted, and received by our office by the posted It is recommended that applicants check their emails frequently throughout this process.

    Selection and Acceptance Procedure

    1. All applications are reviewed by the ADN Admissions Committee after the application. Applicants with completed files (including prerequisite courses) will be considered first.
    2. The number of students admitted to the program varies dependent on clinical space, classroom availability and RN faculty availability. Admission selection is based on a points system and the scholastic readiness of the applicant which is derived from all documents submitted.
    3. A decision email will be sent to each applicant via their Vikings email whether it be for acceptance, waitlist or non-accepted. An acceptance list and waitlist will be used until courses begin. Applicants on the waitlist will be notified by phone and email if offered a seat in the Number of applicants on the waitlist and their position on the waitlist will not be disclosed.

    Point System Information

    Coursework Evaluation

    It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure applicable courses are eligible to transfer and meet equivalency before they submit a nursing application. To ensure the transferability of previous coursework completed at colleges and universities other than Grayson College, potential applicants to nursing programs are encouraged to have their coursework evaluated by the Health Science Department at least one semester prior to a program application filing deadline if possible. This procedure is especially important for students with coursework from colleges and universities outside the state of Texas. Applicants must be fully admitted GC students for final/official transcript evaluations.

    Academic Eligibility Criteria



    Courses must be completed with a ‘C’ or higher and the most recent earned grade will be counted. Required to be completed by the application deadline date.

    Pre-requisites in progress may be considered if space allows.


    Courses must be completed with a ‘C’ or higher and the most recent grade will be counted. Required to be completed by the end of the program in order to graduate.

    Courses not completed by the application deadline will not count towards point calculation.

    Multiple Attempts at Sciences

    Points are deducted per each attempt at a science course. Withdrawals and failing grades count as attempts. The most recent earned grade will be reviewed, final grades must be a ‘C’ or higher to be acceptable.

    There is no expiration for science courses or attempts, see HESI information for science courses over 5 years old (Traditional Track) or over 10 years (Transitional Entry Track).

    Minimum GPA

    A minimum 2.5 GPA calculated either for pre-requisites or as cumulative is required by the application deadline in order to be eligible for that admissions period.


    1. Prior to applying to a health occupations program, potential applicants must have submitted official transcripts from each higher educational institution attended to the Registrar/Admissions Office after applying to be a Grayson College student and be fully or conditionally admitted to Grayson College for the health science application to be considered.
    2. The transcripts must be updated with the print date current within two years of the applicant’s anticipated admission to the nursing program.
    3. It is not necessary to submit transcripts with your nursing application.

    Transfer Process

    If you are requesting to transfer from a different nursing program, you must include with your application: transcripts stating final grades/GPA for current nursing courses, syllabi for each nursing course from time the course was completed, and a letter of Good Standing from your current nursing program Director or Dean.

    Course evaluation can take several weeks. Students who have been unsuccessful in other nursing programs are not eligible for transfer.

    Employment Point

    Applicants currently working as a CNA or PCT can submit an employment verification with their application for an extra point.

    HESI  Admissions Assessment Test

    1. Students can test at any testing center that offers the HESI admissions test (all required sections must be submitted).
    2. Required Sections: 1) Reading Comprehension, 2) Grammar, 3) Vocabulary & Knowledge, 4) Anatomy & Physiology, and 5) Math
    3. Eligible HESI Test scores must be completed and submitted by the application deadline (current within 5 years)
    4. Grayson College requires that students take no more than two HESI admissions tests during a 12-month period
    5. Second and optional attempt at the HESI Admissions test must be submitted no later than the application deadline

    Applicants must score an overall 74.5% on the HESI Test. If any science courses are over 5 years old, applicant must also score a 75% or higher on the Anatomy and Physiology section of the HESI Test

    HESI Overview Information

    NLN NEX Admissions Test

    • Beginning September 2024, we will encourage applicants to take the NLN-NEX. If you have not taken the HESI prior to September 2024, you should take the NLN-NEX exam.
    • Beginning Fall 2025 the NLN-NEX test will be applicable along with the HESI. Beginning Spring 2026 ONLY the NLN-NEX test will be accepted. If you have already taken the HESI, you can use that for your Spring 2025 application and Fall 2025 application.
    1. NLN NEX can only be taken at Grayson College or for an additional cost a remote proctored exam can be given. 
    2. Required sections: 1) Verbal, 2) Science, 3) Math (Note: Only Anatomy & Physiology, & Health section scores from the Science section will be used.) 
    3. Grayson College requires that students take no more than two NLN NEX Exams during a twelve month period. There is a 30 day wait period between attempts.
    4. Second and optional attempt of the NLN NEX exam must be submitted no later than the application deadline
    5. Applicants must score an overall score of 59.5% or higher which consists of an average of the Verbal, Science(Anatomy & Physiology, Health), & Math scores. If any Science score is over five years old, the applicant must score at least 60% on the Anatomy & Physiology sections of the NLN NEX Exam

    For further information please visit the link here: NLN Website

    There you can go to the “Student Guide” which will give you all the instructions you need to navigate the site, create an account, and pay for the exam. Please utilize this website to become familiar with it before taking the exam.

    Schedule a Test 

    Required Immunizations

    All students must provide a copy of the following immunizations with a valid stamp or signature, signed statement from a physician, or lab report indicating serologic immunity. Please note that some of these immunizations take up to six months to complete.  Immunizations must be started in time to complete the series before the FIRST DAY OF CLASS.  If unable to complete the series before beginning of class, the applicant is not eligible for admission. 

    1. Tetanus / Diphtheria / Pertussis  (Tdap) - One dose of the Tetanus / diphtheria / pertussis (Tdap) immunization within the last 10 years.
    2. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)  (Immunization or blood test proving immunity) - If born after January 1, 1957, must have proof of two doses of the MMR vaccine administered on or after the 1 st birthday and at least 30 days apart – or – proof of serologic immunity. 
    3. Varicella (Chickenpox) (Immunization or blood test proving immunity) - Series of two Varicella vaccines at least 30 days apart – or – proof of serologic immunity. History of the disease is not acceptable.
    4. Hepatitis B (Immunization or blood test proving immunity) - Series of three Hepatitis B vaccines – or proof of serologic immunity. This series takes 6 months to complete.
    5. Influenza Vaccine - Annual influenza immunization as recommended by the CDC in the fall of each year.

    Due to compliance with clinical facility requirements and the Texas Department of Health recommendations, GC Health Science programs may not waiver immunization requirements.  Immunizations must be submitted by the deadline established by the program. 

    Copies of records from physician’s offices, public health department, public schools, other colleges and the military are acceptable.  Students should provide a copy of the records.  Please do not turn in the originals.

    Here are some local providers that will provide immunizations and titers:

    Immunization Providers

    Forms must be uploaded and emailed to 


    If a student has a medical condition which may compromise their ability to care for patients, a medical release from their physician may be required. Based on the environment, students may be exposed to possible infectious diseases.

    Clinical sites include locations in: Sherman, TX / Denison, TX / Durant, OK

    Students must be able to attend each clinical site on a rotation basis every semester. Reliable transportation is required.

    Technology Requirements

    Students should have access to internet off-campus in order to complete online coursework and requirements. A laptop or tablet with a camera or webcam and speakerphone will also be required.

    Students enrolled in the ADN Program are required to access a learning management system (LMS) used for online, blended, and face-to-face classes at Grayson College. A computer with an internet connection is needed. Computers for student use are available in the Health Science Computer Lab, the Grayson College Library, and other campus computer laboratories. Students will be oriented to the use of LMS and other Health Science technologies at the beginning of each nursing course.

    Core Performance Standards for Admission & Progression

    In order to accomplish the objectives of the program, students must be able to meet certain core performance standards/requirements:

    1. Visual acuity with/without corrective lenses to identify cyanosis, absence of respiratory movement in patients, and to read small print on medication containers, healthcare provider orders, monitors, and equipment calibrations.
    2. Hearing ability with/without auditory aids to understand the normal speaking voice without viewing the speaker’s face and to hear monitor alarms, emergency signals, call bells from patients, and stethoscopic sounds originating from a patient’s blood vessels, heart, lungs, and abdomen.
    3. Physical ability to stand for prolonged periods of time, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lift patients, and move from room to room or maneuver in limited spaces.
    4. Ability to communicate effectively in verbal and written form. Ability to speak clearly and succinctly when explaining treatment procedures, describing patient conditions, and implementing health teaching. Ability to legibly and correctly document.
    5. Manual dexterity to use sterile techniques, insert catheters, and prepare and administer medications (IV, PO, and IM).
    6. Ability to function safely under stressful conditions, adapting to ever-changing clinical situations involving patient care.
    7. Must be able to meet the performance, physical, and/or lift requirements of the assigned clinical agencies.

    Non-Academic Eligibility Criteria Information

  • TE Point System (LVN-RN Track)

    Maximum Points Achievable: 30

    Points for Academic Courses
    Course Points Awarded Stipulation
    Anatomy and Physiology 1 Up to 6 Depending on final grade and number of attempts
    Anatomy and Physiology 2 Up to 6 Depending on final grade and number of attempts
    Microbiology  Up to 6 Depending on final grade and number of attempts
    Math Elective 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    Composition and Rhetoric 1 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    General Psychology 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    Lifespan Growth and Development 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    Core Elective (Only one course - See degree plan to review courses that fall under the Core Elective requirement) 1 Final Grade of C or higher

    Courses must be completed by application deadline of each admissions period to be awarded points for that courses.

    Other Point Sources
    Course Points Awarded Stipulation
    Admissions Test Average Up to 3 Depending on the average calculated using the highest score of each of the required sections
    Grayson College VN Students 2 Currently enrolled GC VN Students (must successfully
    complete program before start of ADN program) or
    past GC VN graduates.
    Residency 2 Bryan, Fannin, Grayson, or Marshall county residents
    Point Calculation for Science Course with Combined Theory and Lab (For example, BIOL 2401)
    Grade 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt More than 3 Attempts
    A 6 5 3 No Points Awarded
    B 5 3 1 No Points Awarded
    C 3 1 0 No Points Awarded
    Point Calculation for Science Course with Separate Theory and Lab (For example, BIOL 2301 and 2101)
    Grade 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt More than 3 Attempts
    A 3 2.5 1.5 No Points Awarded
    B 2.5 1.5 0.5 No Points Awarded
    C 1.5 0.5 0 No Points Awarded

    ADN Point System (Traditional Track)

    Maximum Points Achievable: 29

    Points for Academic Courses
    Course Points Awarded Stipulation
    Anatomy and Physiology 1 Up to 6 Depending on final grade and number of attempts
    Anatomy and Physiology 2 Up to 6 Depending on final grade and number of attempts
    Microbiology  Up to 6 Depending on final grade and number of attempts
    Math Elective 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    Composition and Rhetoric 1 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    General Psychology 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    Lifespan Growth and Development 1 Final Grade of C or higher
    Core Elective (Only one course - See degree plan to review courses that fall under the Core Elective requirement) 1 Final Grade of C or higher

    Courses must be completed by application deadline of each admissions period to be awarded points for that courses.

    Other Point Sources
    Course Points Awarded Stipulation
    Admissions Test Average Up to 3 Depending on the average calculated using the highest score of each of the required sections
    Certified CNA or PCT (Patient Care Technologist) 1

    Must submit course certification or job description and verification of employment in healthcare setting

    Residency 2 Bryan, Fannin, Grayson, or Marshall county residents
    Point Calculation for Science Course with Combined Theory and Lab (For example, BIOL 2401)
    Grade 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt More than 3 Attempts
    A 6 5 3 No Points Awarded
    B 5 3 1 No Points Awarded
    C 3 1 0 No Points Awarded
    Point Calculation for Science Course with Separate Theory and Lab (For example, BIOL 2301 and 2101)
    Grade 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt More than 3 Attempts
    A 3 2.5 1.5 No Points Awarded
    B 2.5 1.5 0.5 No Points Awarded
    C 1.5 0.5 0 No Points Awarded
  • NCLEXRN Clearance Documentation: Provide proof of eligibility to take the NCLEX-RN Examination with one of the following documents from the Texas Board of Nursing:

    • Blue Card stating eligibility to sit for the NCLEXRN Examination
    • Operations Outcome letter
    • Enforcement Outcome letter
    • Eligibility Order
      • Applicants selected as accepted or waitlisted by the Grayson Nursing Program, will be submitted to the Texas BON to initiate the background check process.
      • The Texas Board of Nursing will contact the applicant by email if the applicant is chosen to undergo a fingerprinting process. The applicant is responsible for fees associated with the fingerprinting process. The Texas Board of Nursing will provide mailed NCLEX clearance documents directly to the applicant several weeks after processing the applicant’s criminal background information.
      • The last day to provide a copy of the proof of eligibility (clearance documents) is by Nursing Bootcamp day. If unable to provide by that date, the student will not be allowed to start the nursing program.
      • The Grayson College Nursing Department is not responsible for any delays regarding the background check process.
      • Applicants who fail to provide proof of eligibility will not be admitted into the program. If restrictions are placed on the applicant due to the criminal background check, admission into the program may be denied or revoked at the discretion of the department.
  • Texas Board of Nursing (BON) George H.W. Bush State Office Building
    1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 10-200 Austin, Texas 78701
    (Phone) 512-305-7400

    The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) requires all applicants for Licensure in Texas to apply and pay for the Department of Public Safety/Federal Bureau of Investigation background check and fingerprint scanning. Grayson College Nursing program requires that this be completed PRIOR to final admission. Clearance documentation from the BON must be provided by the scheduled date. If unable to provide by that date, the applicant will forfeit their acceptance for that admission period.

    Results of the DPS/FBI Background check and fingerprint scan may prohibit final admission to the program until the Declaratory Order is received by the student from the Texas Board of Nursing. The student must inform the Program Director of the outcome of petition for Declaratory Order by providing a copy of the clearance letter received from the BON and the Declaratory Order with or without conditions received from the Board, or the letter of denial received by the Board.

    If you can answer “Yes” to any of the following you may be required to file a Petition for Declaratory Order to determine eligibility to sit for the NCLEX®-RN exam following graduation.

    For any criminal offense*, including those pending appeal, have you:
    (You may only exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations)

    • been arrested and have a pending criminal charge?
    • been convicted of a misdemeanor?
    • been convicted of a felony?
    • pled nolo contender, no contest, or guilty?
    • received deferred adjudication?
    • been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or not adjudicated guilty
    • been sentenced to serve jail, prison time, or court-ordered confinement?
    • been granted pre-trial diversion?
    • been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
    • been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgement/punishment/action?

    NOTE: Expunged and Sealed Offenses: While expunged or sealed offence, arrests, tickets, or citations need not be disclosed, it is your responsibility to ensure the offense, arrest, ticket or citation has, in fact, been expunged or sealed. It is recommended that you submit a copy of the Court Order expunging or sealing the record in question to our office with your application. Non-disclosure of relevant offenses raises questions related to truthfulness and character.

    NOTE: Orders of Non-Disclosure: Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.142(b), if you have criminal matters that are the subject of an order of non-disclosure you are not required to reveal those criminal matters.
    However, a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure may become a character and fitness issue. Pursuant to Gov’t Code chapter 411, the Texas Nursing Board is entitled to access criminal history record information that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure. If the Board discovers a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure, even if you properly didn’t reveal that matter, the Board may require you to provide information about any conduct that raises issues of character and fitness.

    1. Have you ever had any licensing (other than a nursing license) or regulatory authority in any state, jurisdiction, country, or province revoked, annulled, canceled, accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew or otherwise discipline any other professional or occupational license, certificate, nurse aide registration or multistate privilege to practice that you held?
    2. Are you currently suffering from any condition for which you are not being appropriately treated that impairs your judgment or that would otherwise adversely affect your ability to practice nursing in a competent, ethical, and professional manner?
    3. *Are you currently the target or subject of a grand jury or governmental agency investigation?
    4. *Are you currently a participant in an alternative to discipline, diversion, or peer assistance program? (This includes all confidential programs)

    NOTE: Any positive response will remain confidential and not subject to public disclosure unless required by law.

    1. Have you ever been granted the authority to practice nursing in any country, state, province, or territory?

    NOTE: This does not apply to any nursing license(s) issued by another US state or territory, excluding Puerto Rico. If you were licensed in Puerto Rico, you should be answering yes.

    * Pursuant to the Texas Occupations Code §301.207, information, including diagnosis and treatment, regarding an individual’s physical or mental condition, intemperate use of drugs or alcohol, or chemical dependency and information regarding an individual’s criminal history is confidential to the same extent that information collected as a part of an investigation is confidential under the Texas Occupations Code §301.466.

  • (Following notification of admission)

    1. Complete background checks required by the Board of Nursing within the time frame specified in the acceptance letter.  Failure to do so will result in loss of accepted status.
    2. Return form verifying intent to accept or decline admission.
    3. Complete mandatory orientation requirements which includes attendance at scheduled orientation day.
    4. Pass a urine drug screen (as stipulated by the nursing program).
    5. Pass an additional background check (as stipulated by the nursing program).
    6. Obtain CPR certification.  (American Heart; Basic Life Support Provider level with a face to face demonstration check off).
    7. Submit all required immunizations, and proof of a current negative TB (tuberculosis) test or negative chest x-ray.
    8. Obtain annual influenza vaccination as recommended by the CDC in the fall of each year.
    9. Obtain a physical exam from a healthcare provider (form provided with acceptance packet).
  • Students who desire admission via transfer to GC must adhere to the GC course transfer policies outlined in the GC Catalog. This includes submitting official copies of transcripts from each college or university previously attended to the Office of Admissions and Records and a copy of the transcripts to the ADN program. The Office of Admissions and Records will not send a copy to the ADN office. Prerequisite and co-requisite general education courses will be accepted for transfer and application toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing if the course is evaluated as equivalent to the required course at GC. Nursing courses are accepted for transfer only with prior approval of the ADN Admissions Committee. Students wishing to transfer nursing courses should complete this intake form. Copies of course syllabi from all previous nursing courses must be submitted to the ADN Program Director to determine eligibility for transfer.  Applicants must also provide a letter from the previous nursing program director stating that the applicant is currently passing and in good standing. Applicants who have been unsuccessful in another nursing program are not eligible for admission to the GC nursing program.