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RN to BSN Recommended Course Sequence

Bachelor of Science - Nursing

BS in Nursing Curriculum
Subject Semester Hours
BIOL 2301 (Anatomy & Physiology I) 3
BIOL 2101 (Anatomy & Physiology I Lab) 1
ENGL 1301 (Composition I) 3
MATH 1314 (College Algebra) or MATH 1342 (Elementary Statistical Methods) 3
PSYC 2301 (General Psychology) 3
BIOL 2302 (Anatomy & Physiology II) 3
BIOL 2102 (Anatomy & Physiology II Lab) 1
BIOL 2320 (Microbiology Non-Science) 3
BIOL 2120 (Microbiology Non-Science Lab) 1
PSYC 2314 (Lifespan Growth & Development) 3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture Core 3
HIST 1301 (United States History I) 3
SPCH 1311 (Introduction to Speech Communication) or SPCH 1315 (Public Speaking) or SPCH 1321 (Business & Professional Communication) 3
ENGL 1302 (Composition II) 3
GOVT 2305 (Federal Government) 3
GOVT 2306 (Texas Government) 3
Creative Arts Core 3
HIST 1302 (United States History II) 3
SOCI 1301 (Introduction to Sociology) or SOCI 1306 (Social Problems) 3
NURS 3324 (Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice) (Must take First Term)) 3
NURS 3301 Health Assessment 3
NURS 3313 Pathophysiology 3
NURS 4326 (Legal & Ethical Considerations in Nursing) 3
NURS 3244 (Issues & Trends in Nursing) 2
NURS 4355 (Community and Public Health) 3
NURS 4341 (Health Promotion Across the Lifespan) 3
NURS 4160 Community and Public Health Clinical 1
NURS 4314 (Nursing Theory) 3
NURS 4457 (Leadership & Management 4
NURS 4232 (Gerontological Nursing) 2
NURS 4454 (Professional Project - Must complete all other courses first or concurrently) 4
Elective 3
Credit award for licensure as a Registered Nurse 32
total: 120