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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025


Available Courses

See what courses are available by searching our online course search 

Dropping a Class

A class drop means that a student has dropped one or more classes but remains enrolled in other classes for the semester. During periods of open registration, students may drop one or more classes using MyViking. After the deadline for schedule changes passes, all drops must be handled by the student contacting each professor or program director either in person or via email for the course(s) they wish to drop. No drop requests will be accepted directly from the student. Drops will not be accepted after the drop deadline for the semester. Students may not drop courses at Grayson College over the phone. If a student wishes to drop all of their courses, they should initiate a complete withdrawal from the College through their Success Coach.

Limitation on Number of Dropped Courses

(ONLY affects drops occurring after census date)

Under section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, “an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education.”

A College District student shall not be permitted to drop more than six courses taken while enrolled at the College District or another public institution of higher education. For the limit to apply:

  1. The student must be permitted to drop the course without receiving a grade or being penalized academically; 
  2. The student’s transcript must indicate or will indicate the student was enrolled in the course; and
  3. The student must not have dropped the course to withdraw from the College District.