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  • The Summer 2025 Graduation Application is open in the Student Planner. The summer deadline is June 2, 2025


End of Semester Grades

Students may view and print a copy of their end of semester grades using MyViking. To view/print, login to MyViking, select the term in the upper left corner and click letter grades.

Repeated Courses

When a course taken at Grayson College is repeated at GC, the latest grade attained will be included in the GPA calculation. Note: Courses taken a third time or more will have a $50 per credit hour fee charged per state policy (Rider 50).

President’s and Dean’s List Criteria

The GC President’s and Dean’s Lists are awarded at the end of the Fall and Spring semester to students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their coursework. Students must be enrolled in at least 12 hours (full-time) at GC during the semester. Developmental courses, incomplete courses, credit awards and courses with “W” or “P” grades are not counted in the full-time determination for the honor. The President’s List will be awarded to students earning a 4.0 GPA. The Dean’s List will be awarded to students earning 3.75 to 3.99 GPA.

Necessity of Official Withdrawal

If a student, for whatever reason, ceases to attend all classes, it is necessary to officially withdraw. If this is done by the given deadline for the semester, a grade of “W” is granted and the grade point average is unaffected. Failure to officially withdraw results in the grade of “F” and the grade point average is harmed. Students may withdraw from all courses via email or in person at the Counseling/Advising office. You will not be withdrawn until we speak with you personally and all additional steps you will be given are followed. Depending on the date of withdrawal, students who receive federal financial aid may have to repay a portion of their award.

Academic Fresh Start

Students may, at the time of their application for admission or readmission to Grayson College, file for Academic Fresh Start (AFS) in the Admissions and Records Office. All academic course credits or course grades earned exactly ten or more years prior to the starting date of the semester in which the applicant seeks to enroll will not be considered in the calculation of the grade point average.

A student will forfeit the use of all credits earned prior to enrollment under the AFS Policy. Course taken prior to this time will not be used in the calculations of the student’s grade point average. The student’s record will be inscribed with the notation “Academic Fresh Start Granted (date).”

Policies concerning AFS are applicable only to Grayson College. They do not pertain to financial aid history or accumulated award limits. Other colleges may not recognize the reprieve. To request AFS a student must submit a completed application for admission, a written petition for AFS, and all transcripts or prior college or university work to the Admissions Office prior to admission.