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Financial Aid COVID-19

Funded by the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the emergency financial aid grants will be awarded to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Eligible expenses include:

  • Food
  • Course Materials
  • Health Care
  • Housing
  • Technology
  • Child Care

In order to qualify for HEERF student emergency grants, students must have a FAFSA on file, meet Title IV eligibility requirements as outlined in Section 484 of the Higher Education Act.

Title IV Eligibility requirements as outlined in Section 484 of the HEA include: 

  • U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or eligible non-citizen
  • Valid Social Security Number
  • Registered with Selective Service (if you are male)
  • Have a High School Diploma or GED
  • Not have a federal or state conviction for drug possession or sale, with certain time limitations.
  • Enrolled in a regular academic program, degree or certificate
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Not in default or owe an overpayment for a federal student loan and/or grant
  • File "as part of the original financial aid application process" a certification that includes
    • A statement of educational purpose
    • Student's SSN
  • Have returned fraudulently obtained Title IV funds if convicted of or pled guilty or no contest to charges
  • Not have fraudulently received Title IV loans in excess of annual or aggregate limits
  • Have repaid Title IV loan amounts in excess of annual or aggregate limits if obtained inadvertently

If additional funding is necessary, students can apply online through Grayson Cares.  

Student eligibility will be verified by the Financial Aid Office.  The maximum a student can receive for any semester is $500.  This covers the entire umbrella of the semester (16-week, 1st 8-week, 2nd 8-week, mini), not per individual term

Funds will be sent directly to the student via their normal preferred disbursement method (direct deposit or check).  The entire $500 will be issued to students regardless of any unpaid balance on their account.

If additional funding is necessary, students can apply online through Grayson Cares.  

Last Updated: January 23, 2023

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